REISSUES – THE RESIDENTS: “Not Available" (1978, Ralph Records - 2011 Vynil, MDV Audio) + The Residents Connection
From the end of February is finally in stores this Italian reprint
of "Not Available " , vinyl and most coveted by collectors and fans of
Residents , tireless and very active researchers in the round in 2012 will celebrate their fortieth anniversary.
The disc, as in his first outing of 1978 (Ralph Records
) the same tracklist of five tracks that divide the concept work, extended to seven more minutes. Another eye-catching novelty that gives us the reissue of the vinyl, MDV Audio
of published with the support of
Cryptic Corporation, is a keypass that allows you to download additional unpublished material on the disc recording, which took place in 1974.
The Residents Connection
1. Lighting the darkness. Forty years of pioneering a path along prophecies and desecration, anonymity and noisy. The Ralph Records, the Cryptic Corporation
The history of
Residents can really define, since its inception in 1969, as the most successful parody of existential ills of our society's inner conflict caused by a booming impersonal and chaotic that carries within it the seeds of decline, the desolation of a return to the primordial most inhuman and alienated. It 's a story that crosses the boundaries of music to project on an explicit social criticism, philosophical anthropology and degeneration of our time, but destined, like shooting poorly understood prophetic cry, to remain unheard and misunderstood, at least until the end of 1978. First, because these characters, cryptic and anonymous to this day, not
ever built yet another of their popular counterculture manifesto or their alternative way of being, remained very secluded from the limelight, they could not do their the contradictions of a mass society and
mediaticizzata. Through the clever move to create their own independent label, Ralph Records
precisely the (two collections Ralph Records Highly recommended avant-garde scene of San Francisco
late 70s - early 80s:
"Subterranean Modern" (1979) and
"Frank Johnson's Favorites " (1981) with songs of
Residents, Chrome , Tuxedo Moon, MX-80 Sound, Snakefinger etc.) always with an administration that they orchestrated the
Cryptic Corporation, since 1972 began to implement their masterful work of dissociation by the laws of the market and the business media connected to the world of music. They were the embodiment of
'theory of darkness' and not appear but I would also add dell'imprendibile and the ineffable, because their isolation was the result of their excessive coherence and ability to see beyond. Said to have taken inspiration from
guru Nicolas
Senada , a figure historically never clearly delineated, perhaps a Bavarian composer whose traces have been lost in the merciless vortex of time, maybe just a character brought up ad hoc vaticinante support their philosophy of rejection. Worked out a subtle and ingenious design of repudiation and non-alignment still seems difficult to understand: not available
, indeed, to our minds numbed by the mechanisms of modernity.
2. Paradoxes Resident of s
started to list some proverbial paradoxes that their strategic and irreverent director managed to weave, we are in 1972, the then U.S. president Richard Nixon
, Frank Zappa and other distinguished American characters, are seen to deliver a bizarre 'Christmas present', an EP titled
"Santa Dog" , a gimmick that's brilliant. The
cover depicts a dog dressed as Santa Claus, if you make an anagram of Santa Dog can also come out
Dog Satan: the seeds of conflict were thrown, the play of opposites, and all the other di tutto, il non sense che assume senso, la spazzatura che emerge dietro il sipario e il loro sapiente riciclaggio che altro non è che il riesumare i fantasmi che più ci fanno orrore e mai vorremmo vedere. Nixon avrà mai aperto il suo regalo? Non lo sapremo mai, di certo Zappa lo rispedì al mittente, un vero peccato per i suoi eredi poiché quel disco,
tirato a poco meno di duecento esemplari, ora varrebbe una vera fortuna! Altra bizzarria della sorte vi fu nel 1970, dei demo fatti recapitare a un produttore della
Warner Bros (la stessa che aveva saputo intuire il talento di
Captain Beefheart !) furono sbrigativamente rimandati al mittente, anzi no, il mittente non era specificato, residents of the address indicated and so it was that in addition to provide identity in a non-identity, they do not reside in a residence, the legend imagination that shaped them and gave it form, has come to make them shine in all their wisdom silenced, the talent passed over in silence the dull indifference, putting to shame the indifference as ever unable to distinguish between art, originality, rejection and false myths.
Not Available
In the midst of this bizarre story, secluded voice of obstinacy and lack of communication of modern communication, it must surely be ascribed to the fate
"Not available" . The out of print music industry, repudiated by the mainstream culture and which required saccenze fashions and styles, was intended to be a trendsetter in inverse proportion to the silence and the underhand that contraddistinsero design. Recorded in 1974, for unexplained reasons, and (as usual) obscure, the press was given only four years later.
In keeping with their desire for anonymity and to mock the entire distribution channel that speculated about art by giving value based on summary judgments, or simply with the intent to promote what most responded to the dictates of popularity, they deliver their first all disks in circulation limited
rather limited. When America and the machinery of consumer notice them, their response is not available.
"Not available" is their philosophical manifesto, their mission statement: a brave fight against consumerism and the approval in place not by denying or escaping but exaggerates what determines them, showing the horrible side and stinging. These monstrous eyeballs with a lot of tuba, which escapes from impeccable tuxedo, they want to represent our blindness, lack of stimulation caused by a receptive and impersonal technology's sake, the morbidity of wanting to be cutting edge without being able to dominate progress, regression, devolution to the stadium more crude and primitive.
The ten thousand copies were sold almost become a cult object, true rarity for a select few. In 1988 the album was reissued again by
Torso in CD and vinyl but the distribution was still relatively small in vinyl (we speak of only 60,000 copies).
since 1987 due to some financial troubles and the series of projects carried out laborious and often not entered, the band still had to submit to market forces that have always condemned, ceding control of part of the Ralph label, which still continued to meet the original criteria of the founders projects and support of highly respected bands such as: Chrome
, Mx-80 Sound, Tuxedomoon, Renaldo and the Loaf , over the work of their faithful collaborator Philip
Lithman , aka
Snakefinger . All this time, the Residents have continued with imagination and creativity to define the pinnacle of the musical,
to explore the possibilities of multimedia in scope, becoming more and more pioneers dell'autosponsorizzazione inextricably linked to its own distribution channels (mail order managed by the cryptic and then via the web) allowing the dissemination of the material only with their consent. A vast repertoire of albums, short films, video, film projects and touring shows. The sound that characterizes
Not Available is a masterpiece of aural manipulation, a collage of sounds freely assembled mo 'of choral symphonic work. Since the opening track
Edweena leaked dark and disturbing atmosphere skillfully blurred with the support of mechanical and computer macabre used 'in reverse', a thick veil of shadow seems to wrap around both the acoustic linguistic, and certainly not easy listening 'unavailable' for those who do not have to accept it with the soul, for those who can not ride the many emotional currents that characterize it.
Jerseys hypnotic percussion, vocals, strings and horns that are highly evocative sensory spirals, which bring us to unexplored places and seductive. It no longer matters if the rhymes lose either way if the ensemble does not have a logical and harmonious rhythm, we sucked, we are at the mercy of these currents disrupted.
The making of a soul passage begins with a delicate piano and brings balance to the characters that alternate in their loss, the sad, the beautiful, the bizarre.
unanswered questions that are floating thin out the sound and bring us to the size of disturbing silence:
Ship's A'going dow n is a dark abyss where we are forced to get off, the voices seem to complain of relentless existential suffering of evils.
Never Known Questions tension arrives in a lush landscape of rest which carries with it the vibrations of fatal resignation, defeat, returning to the noise, the soothing melody of the piano is sometimes broken into sounds shrill. Followed by a swarm of
'ok, ok, ok, ok' almost obsessive, what can they be? Rendering, lighting, a clear acceptance? All this translates into an additional demand
"To exist to show, or to be shown? Is never a question, never known" .
Epilogue è una sfumatura di libera interpretazione, una dissolvenza lenta intervallata da
'to exist/to exist/to exist' , vi si colgono la tristezza di un congedo e la gioia di una condivisione per aver mostrato ognuno le proprie debolezze, i propri limiti e finitudini ed aver ritrovato proprio in essi la pienezza della propria umanità, un abbandono che è spiegamento d'ali di anime pure.
Altre novità dal fronte Residents
E' partito dal 5 marzo 2011 il loro tour mondiale che riproporrà, naturalmente in chiave rivista e corretta, lo spettacolo
Talking Light che si concluderà London May 14. The show was inspired by tales of ghosts and is experiencing developmental stage last year was presented May 12 to 15 in four Italian dates, this year has been enhanced with additional parts that seem to want to sweep over
more existential reflections, aging and death. They are available for online ordering the DVD
'Randy Ghost Stories' (since April) and an instrumental CD titled "
pain spawned .
The various pieces that comprise the show (which in turn may change or be different blends) are also available to order.
Lonely teenager and Chuck's Ghost Music .
We also expect in the shops from April 5, the vinyl reissue of the other great masterpiece, the first of our illustrious strangers
"Meet the Residents' , an invitation to meet them this time open to all , who will be able to do so with your eyes right?
Romina Baldoni
THE RESIDENTS Not Available tracklist:
• Part One:
Edweena (9.32) • Part Two:
The Making of a Soul (10:00) • Part Three: Ship's A
'Going Down (6:40) • Part Four:
Never Known Questions (7:01) • Epilogue (2:28)
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