The origins and history of Shoegaze
Monday, March 7, 2011
Can You Still Get Alcohol Poisoning The Next Day
SHOEGAZE: "Origine e fine (?) di un genere" - My Bloody Valentine, The Jesus And Mary Chain, Ride, Slowdive ...
The origins and history of Shoegaze
curious fate to be a musical genre defined by the attitude of property held by the musicians who remained in that position by looking at the floor of the stage (or rather their shoes) while playing, thus justifying, quite unconsciously, the word that is derived:
"Shoegaze" The origins and history of Shoegaze
. In this regard, in order not to generalize too much, should be made a couple of caveats. A first coined the term which was later identified the genre in question was
the British magazine "Sounds"
, closely followed by many other magazines. The exact term used on that occasion was 'shoegazer'

sounds that resulted in distortions, reverbs, sudden silence and slow slip in the 'reconstruction' of the sonic wall of sound as if it were hanging on a distant horizon, clouds swollen with rain, misty layers with the voices of interpreters tones often dreamy, evocative and almost no consistency even if in a musical journey that is dragged forward as un drappo infinito. Il tutto teso a 'riformare' quasi la consuetudine di trovare nelle note melodie frutto di accordi tradizionali, ormai del tutto assenti.

, la musica ambient

e il rock in generale in tutte le sue espressioni posteriori. Numerose bands shoegaze sono nate lontano dalla patria di origine, negli Stati Uniti, in Oriente, in Italia a dimostrazione del fatto che il genere ebbe la capacità di identificare in sé vocazioni e desideri which fascinated many, leaving a vivid trace of their passage to the present day.

If you want to identify in this brief survey of the shoegaze a starting point and then a band-a record I think we can easily agree that the true Such were the pioneers My Bloody Valentine
with their first album titled
"Is not Anything" (1988, Creation). A whole album, probably not easy to hold, rich in architecture often distant from each other but
is one of those grooves that the world era saw the birth of a new sound enough to give the My Bloody Valentine on the role of the initiators of the shoegaze genre. An obvious example is represented by these two songs from the album (

William and Jim Reid with an album, "Psychodandy"
(1985, Blanco Y Negro) which is considered a milestone for the innovations that have emerged from and for the track, no doubt, the highway of shoegaze. atmosphere ethereal, dreamy landscapes, overlapping melodic feedback and a large number of

that since the attack is un perfetto, magnifico esempio di

You trip me up Never understand

Cut dead
Taste of Cindy
Sowing Seeds
My little underground
Something's Wrong
Cocteau Twins, "Head Over Heels"
A citation must be made for another band that certainly deserves a central place in the ranks of the shoegaze movement as not attributable to this genus: the
Cocteau Twins. This Scottish band, formed in 1979 and long before the shoegaze movement take root, had already drawn up tones and sounds that can be considered forerunners of the genre. The band's second album in particular (now devoid of drummer Will Heggie), entitled
"Head Over Heels"
(1983, 4AD) sees Elizabeth
Fraser protagonist of a symbolic transition from dark wave

Five Ten Fiftyfold
The Tinderbox (Of a Heart)
Whatever their true origin, gender shoegaze catalyzed immediately upon himself a great deal of interest and numerous bands since then have entered the scene, with more or less worthy of note. Needless to say, just naming the most representative would require a long chapter specifically devoted. Here, then, for pure fun, but still certain to whet the curiosity of newcomers to a general approach to the Treaty, I just mention a couple of albums from which I propose interesting excerpts.
Ride "Nowhere"
The first album in question is
dei Ride (1990, Creation). Originari di Oxford, i Ride sono stati inizialmente fra i rappresentanti più interessanti della scena shoegaze britannica per passare poi, dopo alterne vicende, a percorrere strade ben diverse. L’album in questione, che costituisce il debutto discografico della band, rimane ad ogni modo fra i capisaldi e certamente uno dei più distintivi del genere shoegaze. Val la pena sottolineare a questo punto che
All Music Guide ha definito “Nowhere” fra i più importanti in assoluto nella storia dello shoegaze.

In a Different Place
Polar bear
Dreams Burn Down
Vapour Trail
Slowdive "Just For A Day", "Souvlaki"
Among the many bands that have left an indelible mark in the shoegaze scene can not be exempt quote again from the Slowdive
(The one person I loved most) in the name that embodies all the characteristics of the genre. The first two albums are among the "cardinal points" of the shoegaze, considered by many the most beautiful ever, and have left a deep mark in many bands that have followed in his footsteps. Slowdive was formed in 1989 and released their first album
"Just for a Day" in 1991 for Creation Records, now on the threshold of the downward turn of shoegaze.
The band closed his artistic career in 1995 with his third and last album that has long been the center of a controversy about the style adopted by the coordinates band in this last occasion. From that experience gave birth to the magnificent
Mojave3 . But this is already another story.

Catch the breeze
Ballad of Sister Blue
The Sadman
And here's a full presentation of the next album by Slowdive, "Souvlaki" (1993, Creation), without doubt their most mature and convincing that sees even the presence of Brian Eno
in a couple of tracks on keyboards as well as producer of the album . The album also had a version for the U.S. market. Compared to the same My Bloody Valentine or Slowdive Cocteau Twins were able to touch "Souvlaki"
one of the absolute top shoegaze experience. Songs like Machine Gun (with ethereal vocals and dreamy Rachel Goswell

Melon yellow
My Bloody Valentine, "Loveless"
With the dates and chronological determinations are likely to always take the glare of sound, especially if the topic is a history of music. Certainly not be otherwise with the need to establish the end of the shoegaze genre itself, without taking account of all leads and influences back. In principle, however, the shoegaze finds its culmination in the second overtime, the Irish suffered album
My Bloody Valentine that after giving the boot al genere, simbolicamente ne determinarono anche la “fine”. “Loveless”
(1991, Creation) dato alle stampe alla fine del 1991 costituisce il raggiungimento dell’espressione massima del genere tanto da essere universalmente riconosciuto come l’album nr. 1 dello shoegaze e fra i più grandi della musica in generale. Un album avvolto da un’aura di leggenda, con una certosina ricerca di soluzioni sonore innovative, incisioni interminabili, snervanti sessioni di registrazione, difficoltà di ogni genere, non ultime quelle

I only Said
As alone
Blown a wish
The end (?) Of Shoegaze
The parable of the genre "shoegaze" closed so his path after a brief flowering of bands that had dominated the pages of the press and indie charts for at least three to four years . Almost none of these bands had the opportunity of joining the U.S. market and thus prolong his artistic career and, in most cases, were simply swept away by the arrival of "grunge and Britpop in the UK. Many groups disbanded, while others have started on other roads. But this is basically only half true. In reality, the shoegaze remained very much alive under the ashes, and went on to give birth to esperimenti di derivazione che andarono sconfinando in generi assimilabili. Ne venne fuori così un costante, continuo sviluppo del genere che seppure lontano dalle caratteristiche “pure” delle origini ha continuato a mantenere una cifra stilistica comune che è giunta fino ai tempi nostri e che è riconoscibile in un numero impressionante di bands! Certamente ne riparleremo.
Roberto Melfi
SHOEGAZING Selection by Federico Porta e Marco Colasanti: Fifteen Shoegazing Songs
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