MUSICA - SOCIETA' - MEDIA / CONCERTI ESTEMPORANEI ONLINE: "BandstandBusking", "The MusicSessions". Party a book that will explain and discuss the relationship between music in the third millennium and the novelty of its use 'social' through the various existing media. And 'is significant that Myriam Bardino conclude this piece by writing' the search for alternative channels for promoting music also exists in the digital age ', but do not want to anticipate anything, I leave you enjoy this important article. (wally)
In recent years there is a tendency to film artists who perform in different places from the stage. Usually, these events are professionally sound and video clips from independent filmmakers. A stand against The fashion spread to put movies on the internet, poor quality of the concerts recorded by fans around the world through their phones. Movies whose result is to create a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist and event. The acoustic music sessions are filmed by young independent filmmakers and are the result of an encounter between cinema and music that gives the viewer a different way to learn about the artists and intimate.
movies often spontaneously, in a break from the recording studio or between an interview and another, between two stages of the tour, the artists give the impression of playing more 'for their fun to perform another task promotion. A modern way of documenting the music and the artist to carve out a different place and quality 'to express themselves, which seems to have agreed to a large number of artists like The Kooks
National ,
Beirut ,
Patrick Watson ,
Piers Faccini and many, many others.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthese sessions and music 'started from
Chryde (pictured at right), the founder of
Blogotheque who wanted to find a different way share music over the Internet. The meeting with Vincent Moon
(pictured at left),
French independent filmmaker, and 'was crucial to be able to publish videos of musical quality' beyond reproach. It has been almost five years and has accumulated Blogotheque more 'than 200 artists live in unlikely places (churches, fountains, markets, zoos, lounges, elevators, subways, shops ...) and given the success of the action of the public, Burberry
also wanted to begin its live sessions:
Burberry Acoustic , dressing young budding musicians. During these five years,
also appeared in places that use Internet sites to sound quite unique and original artists. From the London taxi
BlackCabSessions , the dry cleaning of
DirtyLaundryTV the balconies around the world
BalconyTV , down to the gazebo park in London
BandstandBusking . For a complete list of the various sites offering the live sound, you can click on
TheMusicSessions .
During a summer afternoon of the year scorso, ebbi l’occasione di assistere a un
BandstandBusking di
Frightened Rabbit ,
Hundred in Hands ,
Sky Larkin e
Vivian Girls
: c’era una leggera brezza che agitava dolcemente le fronde degli alberi, dei bambini si rincorrevano attorno al gazebo, dei vecchi seduti sulle panchine e passanti in bicicletta guardavano con curiosita’, chi mangiava un panino, chi beveva un caffè. Si respirava una rilassatezza generale sia del pubblico che dei musicisti come se si fosse nel loro cortile di casa. A festive occasion, celebration and pure
sharing of music that often gets lost at the expense of the classic form: the stage, set pre-set to 90 minutes, amplification and lighting spot-lights. The search for alternative channels exist to promote music in the digital age, a different angle to consider a musician, with one condition: Do not wear a Burberry raincoat.
Myriam Bardino
( picture: Vivian Girls right Sky Larkin left )
Vivian Girls Vivian Girls Frightened Rabbit
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