DISCO EVENTO - DUE RECENSIONI A CONFRONTO - RADIOHEAD: "The King Of Limbs" (2011, XL) (Mazzoli, Dimauro)
"The King of Limbs" is not just, as you well know, the last disc
of Radiohead, the British group survived the nineties, suspended musically between rock and electronica. It 's a real event: in order to understand just take a peek at the web world. On the webzine, on many social networks (F
acebook, Twitter ) chasing the first rumors on Youtube
the video of the first extract
Lotus Flowe r , with the protagonist an unprecedented scene
Thom Yorke, dressed as a dancer unleashed almost tarantula. In the end it is not surprising that much, the premises were already all. Already then output
"In Rainbows" , the
Radiohead had displaced the public, professionals, the mechanisms record, making available the download of the record coming out on the official website. Given the success of the operation in 2007, the band will try again today to the gleam of 2011, there is only a small change in strategy, the price of the download is not a free choice of consumers, but was granted a range of departure amounted to € 7.
We go to the heart of the disc to explore the deepest bowels of
"The King of Limbs" . The album opens with
Bloom . An opening environment: the drum machine is in the foreground, intoxicating, repetitive, seductive. In the distance, classical references in the background, violins between the lively and wistful and elusive in the name of an opening melody of the piano, interrupted by a flurry of electronic echoes. Atmospheres nebulae, dark, enigmatic rage to become obsessive, disturbing. Whirlpools sound that is easy to get lost.
echo the vocal harmonies between fluctuating electrical rhythms (
Morning Mr. Magpie ). Rare rays of light illuminate the landscape, as if the moon had disappeared from the horizon. Among oriental scenes, glimpses creaking, fleeting guitar arpeggios, makes its way into a growing rich in pathos the stregante sigh of
Yorke (
Little by little ). In the deepest dark, the guitar riffs are now trapped by the quicksand of hostage Synthetizer and drum machine, chromatic sound protagonists of the disc. But from the sounds of Scie intermittent sobs explode unexpectedly, between sea and mountains of decibels (
Feral ). Forget the conditions described electronic, having tasted the joy of the dancers pitfalls Lotus Flower (Lotus Flower
), It is time to be lulled by the sweet-bitter ballads, then tone minimal space. No electronic device this time, only voice and guitar / piano (
Codex , Give up the ghost ). These are the new Radiohead
, torn between embracing the coldness of the drum machine and acoustic intimacy. (
Separator )
Monica Mazzoli
TheKingOfLimbsRadiohead 's review of Franco Lys Dimauro
The great thing was being able to run faster than those who followed them: fans, musicians and reviewers. Speed \u200b\u200bup just when everyone seems happy to be at your side, on top of the world. Become elusive first, then aliens. From the land
expect all the signs of their spaceship. Waiting for new songs that no land will ever sing. And this time it comes eight, that rain first download and then lay down like drops of paint on canvas and paper in one of the most beautiful packaging I have ever been bundled with a disc. Eight tracks
immersed in this amniotic placenta that has become the music of the English quintet, a generator of Van De Graaff perpetually crossed by small electric shock in a musical workshop where alienating rhythmic jerks (the pattern of dubstep Bloom, the obsessive scanning Morning Mr. Magpie , the babbling obsessive Feral ) and glacial landscapes moon (piano bewildered Codex, the guitar and the voices of suspended Give up the ghost ) drawing Mars architecture and disturbing while Thom Yorke continues to scan the pain, with his tone flat and unsympathetic.
"The king of limbs " grants us the magic of Little by little which is perhaps the closest thing to a song i wrote Radiohead have since decided to leave the land and a Lotus Flower which is the prototype of a soul song written on Alpha Centauri, at 4.36 years and the usual light-stifling mesh optical fiber wrapped around the music of Radiohead the days of "Kid A" .
Franco Lys Dimauro
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