Almost three years we have been waiting for the following
Accelerate REM
the "Collapse Into Now" : Michael Stipe, Peter Buck, Mike Mills serve us on a silver platter with that their fifteenth studio album produced by Jacknife Lee (it was of Accelerate ) yet another masterpiece! And I say this without fear of exaggeration or of being denied: as ever in this new work, their inspiration and melodic composition is outstanding! REM are no longer (long) Label: hanno inventato dei moduli espressivi talmente personali ed inconfondibili nei loro quasi trent’anni di attività artistica (il primo EP "Chronic Town" , IRS , è del 1982) da poter affermare che stiamo parlando di una delle più grandi band di rock contemporaneo. Adottando dei freddi e burocratici criteri ‘critici’ in questa recensione bisognerebbe ad esempio scrivere che un ispiratissimo brano come Uberlin è un riciclaggio melodico dei loro hits planetari Losing My Religion (1991, “Out Of Time” , WB) and Drive (1992, "Automatic For The People" ), which is probably true, but it would be a great injustice to a trademark in 2011 is even extraordinarily fresh and exciting to do so Uberlin is the first song to be loved in the new collection of 12 songs, with poetic, dreamy 'epic' daily Michael Stipe (who appears in new video with a beard! ) dedicated to the true hero of our times, the man in the street: " Hey, now take your pills, make breakfast, combed hair and off to work, crashing to the ground, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion, my imagination runs away. I know, I know, I know what I'm chasing - I know, I know, I know that this is changing me - I am flying on a star to a shooting last night - I am flying on a star, a star, a star - I'll make it to face the day, and then the day becomes night - I'll make it to face the night - Hey now, take the U-Bahn - five stops, change the station - do not forget that the change save you - has a thousand million people - this is amazing - they go to the city with their bright stars - Hey man tell me something - are you out there somewhere? - Will you come with me tonight? - I know, I know that this is changing - we walk the streets to feel the ground - I'm chasing you Berlin - I'm flying on a star to a shooting last night - I am flying on a star, a star, a star - I'll make it to face the day - and then the day turns to night - I'll make it to face the night. " But another heartfelt encouragement to your
Stipe 'I'
is exhausted by the daily un'asfissiante pastoral Every Day Is Yours To Win
. The greater part of their 'historic' albums apparently synthesized in "Collapse Into Now" , and so in the beautiful serenade Oh My Heart the great Peter Buck pulls out his magic again as in the saga mandolin "Out Of Time " ; exceptional Blue , with nearly six minutes, is compelling, very slow, performance power (do you remember the Neil Young more rusty?) from the same mood 'underground' that had characterized as a work "Adventures hi-fi " (1996, WB): Blue is ennobled by the anguished voice of a great friend of Michael Patti Smith, ever so charismatic, with Stipe engaged in the foreground in a talkin 'contagious! The special guests on the disks of REM have never missed: In addition to Smith (and is not the first time: remember the cameo in E-Bow The Letter on "Adventures In Hi-Fi" ), you can hear Eddie Vedder , and exciting in the final chorale of It Happened Today , Peaches in Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter , Lenny Kaye and Joel Gibb somewhere between the grooves of the disc. Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando And I , another miracle persuasive and inspiring an equally charismatic Stipe: ' Lay Me Down, lay me down ... '. But jerks do not truly rock shortage in "Collapse Into Now" : the excited
Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter , Mine Smell Like Honey with a refrain that is a real stroke of genius; Discoverer especially All The Best are powerful: a veritable 'wall of sound' guitar, a relentless sonic hum behind Stipe's voice grabs you and cast you in that dimension where exclusive there is only purity 'absolute' of the great rock (echoes treacherous Monster -1994, WB)! And That Someone Is You ? New It's The End Of The World As We Know It
( "Document" - 1987, Capitol) tell someone not mistaken, this new song beautifully renews the rhythmic and verbal assault. Finally the quiet, reflective Walk It Back . After '' acceleration ' three years ago so the ' collapse in this' ? Judging by the texts fatality, the pulp music instead of songs and their innervatura merge the impetus electric Accelerate ecstatic abandonment / harmonic "Around The Sun"
(2004 , WB) and "Reveal" (2001, WB). Three more years for the next priceless fresco? Wally Boffoli
The Review by Monica Mazzoli
( from his blog
Over The Wall
) All Quiet on the Western Front Next comes March 8 "Collapse into now"
, quindicesimo album della rock band statunitense
R.E.M. , sulla breccia ormai da più di trent’anni. Prima dell’uscita ufficiale del disco, il trio Mills, Stipe, Buck ha fatto venire l’acquolina in bocca ai vari fans sparsi per il mondo, consentendo verso i primi di gennaio il download gratuito di Discoverer e pubblicando qualche settimana più tardi su youtube un breve video
trailer contenente un riassunto di pochi secondi di ogni brano. Quindi il Making Of . A febbraio è poi uscito il primo singolo, per il mercato europeo Uberlin for the American Mine smell like honey with attached video self-defeating, in which Michael Stipe is thrown, rolled down the stairs by four thugs dressed in white. Today I listened to the album streaming, accingerò me to write down first impressions work for one of the most anticipated musical this spring. The intro in full reconnaissance of the jungle is the electrifying sounds of dismay Discoverer , reminiscent at times of Finest Worksong . Perfect to sing loudly to get lost forever in a roaring stadium crowd. We continue to better (
All the best ) con l’acceleratore al massimo, senza freni puntati, verso l’euforia di un nuovo giorno per impazzire in compagnia di un ritornello dannatamente pop e un buon bicchier di vino. Dopo la pazza gioia, per un attimo rallenta il ritmo adrenalinico per lasciar spazio a tre ballatone commoventi in perfetto stile remmiano( Uberlin, It happened today con la partecipazione di Eddie Vedder, Oh my heart con intro di fiati made in New Orleans e momento amarcord con l’elegante, mai dimenticato, mandolino, protagonista dell’hit single anno ‘91 Losing my religion ). Ormai la mente sconfinata, collassata nella fase più profonda del sogno-sonno, può solo desiderare, sperare nella bellezza semplice, quotidiana di una dolce melodia struggente ( Every day is yours to win ). E' quindi ora di affacciarsi alla finestra ed ammirare con gli occhi increduli di un bambino l’albero di pesco con i frutti appena sbocciati ( Mine smell like honey ). Sentirsi forti come non mai, vogliosi di cogliere l’attimo fuggente, decidere con gli amici di scaraventarsi in giardino all’attacco di una nuova alba, stufi di giocare in difesa ( Alligator_Aviator_Autopilot_Antimatter con la rebel girl Peaches ). In the background, the desire to play, playing jokes (
That someone is you ). Among these atmospheres, sensations of the past, future, present ( Walk it back), it's time to let go at first emotions in a confrontation between us and the immense world, in the blue painted blue (Blue , the rock poet Patti Smith ). The last cigarette is over, is dying slowly and the train arrived at the bus stop, all that remains is to rethink the trip with a smile and desire to do it again soon. You can always rewind the tape if you like to relive the past. Monica Mazzoli La recensione di Franco Lys Dimauro
E’ capitato anche a me, e diverse volte, di dover registrare una raccolta dei R.E.M.
e di non riuscire a metterci dentro tutto quello che avrei voluto, di rischiare di lasciare fuori almeno una delle tante facce che il gruppo georgiano ci ha mostrato lungo i suoi trent’anni di carriera. Ora, ci provano loro stessi. E devo dire che " Collapse into now" riesce a sintetizzare efficacemente la vicenda artistica dei R.E.M.
mettendoci dentro praticamente tutto, tranne la voglia di rischiare. " Collapse into now" è un disco nato già vecchio. E’ un vecchio signore che si aggira per la sua casa, circondato dai suoi soprammobili e dai suoi canestri di frutta secca. Alla sua porta i vicini hanno smesso di bussare e quelle mura da cui pendono inclinati vecchi ritratti ingialliti dal tempo non vivono più degli strilli impenitenti di nipotini che crescendo hanno scordato di essere stati felici. Ogni canzone che risuona qui dentro ha un sapore che abbiamo già masticato e che talvolta abbiamo anche sputato ( Uberlin e It happened today suonano così domestiche e addomesticate that you do not stop to greet them even more, NdLYS ) and the only real news this time was to entrust themselves to the effort of wanting to give listeners a new cut, giving them the opportunity to alter at will a number of tracks so and disseminate on the Web.
" Collapse into now" is an album that reassures the millions of fans who lobotomized "collapse" before the new and that instead it will take them as usual, no more than half a day to swallow and send twelve new songs by heart and be immediately ready for the new tour triumph. But it is also a disc that is worrying because it avoids any risk. It 's like Michael Jackson walking with the mask in his face, terrified of any disease, terrified of every bacillus. A pathetic attempt to prove that they are still alive, trying to hide the wooden planks that hold the shapes of the greatest American rock band.
Franco Lys Dimauro
Editor's note: since this post has three reviews that are different opinions on the disk - event, judgments made by the check of one of the four squares are no longer 'nor clearly attributable to one of the reviews, nor to any of the reviews. We invite you, if you want to comment on this, to add a comment in the form of opinion in full, then using the function 'post a comment'
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