LIVE EVENTS: PRIMAVERA BEAT vol. 5 - Alessandria, 18 - 20 marzo 2011
From March 18 to 20 will be held at Theatre
Macalle of Alexandria - Castelceriolo the fifth edition of Beat
Spring, a festival dedicated to the beat and music organized by the 60
Segnali2006 of
Salvatore Coluccio .
The event will host various concerts and DJ sets, as well as a vintage flea market and the presentation of the book-drink
"Eighties Colours" of
Roberto Calabrò neopsichedelica and neogarage dedicated to the scene of the '80s.
Friday ' March 18 the big wait is for the Swedish Creeps , historical group neopsichedelico movement, returning to Italy to twenty-five years since the disk "Enjoy the Creeps" , uno degli album più importanti della scena garage anni '80. A seguire si esibirà la formazione mista tra Sick Rose e Not Moving (con membri delle varie line-up dei due gruppi), altre due band storiche del movimento neopsichedelico italiano, che ha esordito con grande successo alla manifestazione torinese To BeAt Parèj lo scorso dicembre col nome di Sick Moving Rose.
Sabato 19 marzo will be the turn of Montesas , energetic group of German surf-rockabilly band that will be supported by the women in the Piedmont Bomb'o'nyrics , with its sounds poised between rockabilly and garage. After the concerts will be dancing on the sounds sixties, with various DJs who will succeed to the console. During the three days will also organize other events, including a Subbuteo tournament on Sunday afternoon.
will also be able to stay on the spot to enjoy a maximum of three days of immersion in music and culture sixties: so healthy in the spring.
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