Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lady And The Tramps Schnauzers Name

BASSA FEDELTA' - OBLIVIANS : "Popular favorites" (Sep 10 1996, Crypt Rec.)

The reunion two years ago and Oblivians Gories with attached mini Italian tour, as well as some very personal considerations on the state of rock and roll me back to listening straight through (which continues to this day!) of some old records of the bands mentioned above. Oblivians The coming Memphis (TN) were and are Greg, Jack and and Eric, as you can imagine, they do not last Oblivians (as already Ramones). Same training as Gories to three, with two guitars and drums. The absence of the lower hardly notice, thanks to the rhythmic pounding stomp of school Bo Diddley that our able to impose. "Popular Favorites" is the band's second album after the excellent debut "Soul Food" (1995 Crypt) and includes recordings made by December 20, 1995 to January 1996.
A period of the first half of the nineties not quite favorable for these sounds (not yet had the echo caused by heavy grunge) that will find a fact, albeit brief and modest "revenge" in the second half, thanks to bands like the Oblivians, with a strong attitude lo-fi . Christina , the opening track is a true statement: desperate rock'n'roll to limit the noise ( Part of your plan ) or at least in perfect balance. Here the country and the blues are a new form, one might almost venture a comparison with Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and the , except that the trio of Memphis sounds much more raw ( You Fucked Me Up You Put Me Down ) and low fidelity ( Do the milkshake ). Inoltre è totalmente privo di qualsiasi tentativo di intellettualizzazione tipicamente urbano e metropolitano (New York).
Però troviamo lo stesso sudore (forse anche di più) e la stessa energia (se non raddoppiata). Un'atteggiamento ovviamente sudista. Ma in quale altro modo si può suonare il rock'n'roll? She's a hole è il classico che farà sempre scatenare il pubblico, così come Bad man . A questo disco ne seguirà un terzo ed ultimo, l'ottimo "Play 9 Songs With Mr. Quintron" (1997, Crypt). Three albums and then, just as the Gories and then break ranks!
However, the components of the respective bands will continue with various projects: Dirtbombs, Demolition Doll Rods and as regards the Oblivians Reigning Sound, to name the main ones. Also Eric Friedl "Oblivians" build the Goner Records label specializing in garage-lo-fi sound. Label for which affect Jay Reatard , revealed the new phenomenon of the American scene in low fedeltà.Ecco, I wanted to remember this great band, able to recover the tradition of a 'healthy and warm' rock 'n' roll to ferry today. Now a little 'chilly to be honest!

Andrea Fornasari



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