ITALIAN ROCK CONNECTION - Italian '70 Progressive: "IL BALLETTO DI BRONZO" The Ballet Bronze
Ballet Bronze Italian who made two excellent albums in the early 70's. The group formed in Naples in the late '60s under the name Wild
Beaters and the first formazione del gruppo comprende Raffele Cascone (chitarra),
Michele Cupaiolo
Marco Cecioni
(voce) e Gianni Stinga
(batteria). Il complesso non incise nulla a livello discografico e muta successivamente nome in Balletto di Bronzo
ingaggiando il chitarrista Lino Ajello
proveniente dai Volti di Pietra
, altro complesso napoletano senza incisioni discografiche all’attivo. Con questa formazione riescono ad avere il primo contratto discografico per la ARC
e danno alle stampe il loro primo 45 giri, “ Neve Calda
/Cominciò per gioco” , published in 1969. The first side is a driving rock song that will find the next album and then placed inside the song you already grasp the first stirrings progressive then explode in
. The piece will also enjoy a version English. The second track is less explosive, more rational, with major influences Beat can also be called the blues and psychedelic. Special mention goes to the guitar Cascone, which gives the song scores psychedelic. This song will never be engraved on a 33 rpm. The following year, in 1970, the Ballet released their second 45, "Yes, mama mama/Meditazione” , opposto per la collocazione dei brani: la prima facciata non verrà mai pubblicata su album, mentre il retro finirà su
"Sirio 2222" . Le due canzoni sono qualitativamente inferiori rispetto al 7” d’esordio, in quanto il suono è parecchio ammorbidito e c’è una maggiore propensione alla forma canzone e alla melodia.
Sirio 2222 Sempre nello stesso anno viene dato alle stampe per la RCA il loro primo 33 giri, “Sirio 2222”
. L’album è un efficace miscuglio di Hard Rock e suoni propriamente britannici; The opening track,
A place is a start very clear to the listener: solid guitar riffs and rhythmic. The sixth track on the album, Wandering
, it sounds very rough, with a very sound team and a sound zeppelin. Mission Sirius 2222 is perhaps the reason that best expresses and synthesizes the sound of the group is a composition of nearly 10 minutes and has a beginning delicate acoustic arpeggios and quiet. From the second minute begins the song proper, where they emerge more progressive sounds and passages drawn. face and the atmosphere changes around the number four minutes is a very Rock, followed by a drum solo that acts as a watershed: first, in fact, there is again a more tense, followed by a closed symmetric what was the beginning of the song. Enchantment
is in my opinion the other apex of the album: Hendrix guitar, drums and a boxy sound very dirty. Another point in favor are the complaints of distorted guitar, as if to imitate Jimi Hendrix in If 6 Was 9 , comparisons with the necessary means. The remaining tracks leave little room for commercial and all are of
successful mixture of Rock and quieter moments. The album did not have the expected success and in 1971 and Cecioni Cupaiolo and leave the group for non-renewal of contract by the RCA. The musicians are replacing them
Vito Manzari (bass), from the strange things that and
Gianni Leone (vocals, keyboards) from the City Front
. The group briefly played in a five, but the experiment did not materialize.
Ys In 1972 the band changes record label, Polydor
, and public what is their masterpiece,
. The album has five tracks, which will be added Your comfortable home
last released on CD. Ys is a concept album of the most successful records of Progressive Rock tells the story of the last surviving man on earth, which makes three meetings during his desperate journey to find other human beings who must tell the truth, before sinking in the dark as deep as did the ancient island of Ys
, swallowed by the sea water. The sound of the album is strongly influenced by the atmosphere of the keyboards of Leo and the result is a surprising cluster of dark, dark atmospheres, sounds grim and complex, combining well with the robust guitars Ajello.
The work begins with
Introduction (Part 1) (part 2) , wide track 15 minutes ranging to several atmospheres. The beginning is almost ghostly, with a chorus of dissonant voices to open the composition, he immediately adds body and a voice that recites poems disturbing. The reason is an amazing fusion of games harpsichord, synth sounds, lyrics and apocalyptic drums this well. Sound effects, tempo changes, twists and a great sound quality generate a strong emotional involvement that the listener can not help but listen to the album captivated. A track very complex and varied so that it can be placed among the most valuable pieces of Italian Prog.
First meeting is the natural result of introduction and has a marvelous game of fills, organ and guitar scores in the middle. The second side starts with Second meeting , another fine song with epic atmospheres, intense lyrics and a rousing musical section. As for the other songs is the predominance of guitars and keyboards and reign
make the characteristic sound of the album. Third Meeting
begins with a hypnotic bass line, followed by keyboards that are more and more jazz, followed by games of Moog and seductive lyrics. The final track, Epilogue
begins with an exciting game of progressive organ, bass and drums. There are many moods that you breathe in and there is some concern: sounds gloomy, pathos and charm carry the listener to the conclusion of the album, which ends symmetrically at its beginning. Ys brings a lot of notoriety to the group, which became one of the most popular in the period Pop concert events of the festival and take part in first-second trophy Davoli Pop of Reggio Emilia, playing in stadiums and coming second, and then the important Be In of Naples, presented by the ubiquitous Eddie Bridges . The ballet starts later work for the third album, but some misunderstanding among the various members of the group led to the breakup of the project and the fateful third disc will never see the light. The group, now reduced to only Leone and Sting, but makes a last 45, "Your comfortable home / Donna Vittoria
, published in 1973 and subsequently contractual duties melts. Gianni Leone and then began a solo career under the pseudonym
Leonero , publishing two Ellepi with musical influences that by the end of the decade came from Britain,
"True" in 1977 and
in 1980. Subsequently, in 1990, came interesting collection with rare and unreleased
entitled "The king of the castle" . Inside there were seven songs composed in the period 1969-1970, including unreleased songs and discarded, and two English versions. Still on the subject of curiosity to point out the existence an English version of Ys, which was only hinted at the time and never completed, but was still published in 1992 by Mellow Record on CD. Always Leone in the late 90s, reform the group for a series we live concerts and in 1999 decided to release a live album featuring new recordings also published for the occasion. For several years, the Balletto di Bronzo, like all Italian Progressive Rock, enjoys a revival and Ys was reissued in 2010 for the collection Progressive Italy
distributed by Universal
Massimiliano Bruno Il Balletto Di Bronzo- Meditazione
balletto di bronzo spanish
Discografia Il Balletto di Bronzo Albums:
Sirio 2222 (1970, RCA)
YS (1972, Polydor) Il Re Del Castello (1990) Ys - English Version - (1992, Mellow Record) Ys ristampa (2010, Progressive Italia/Universal)
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