Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Community Service Supervisor Letter

LIVE REPORT: “Zombie Zombie” (28/02/2011, Roma, Circolo degli Artisti)

There are great expectations for the event Zombie Zombie in Rome. Comes straight from Paris one of the most interesting proposals electro-psych of the moment, fusing electronic sounds with the most visionary psychedelia. Etienne Jaumet (keyboards and synth) and "Zombie Zombie John Carpenter plays" (2010, Versatile Records), an intriguing and much-appreciated work.
"Zombie Zombie John Carpenter plays "
is a project in which the French duo retrieves and interprets the sounds of the great minimalist horror director John Carpenter

New York (also known as the 'author of the soundtracks of the films), who became famous for
Assault On Precinct 13 " (1976), " Halloween " (1978),
" Escape from New York "
" The thing " (1982), " They Live " (1988). Zombie Zombie: The Concert Arrival at the Artists' Club around 22:15, just in time to appreciate the good

Mushy (Mushy

), sound experimentation that wins with its electronic blues, melancholy and decadent, very evocative. The room is full now and into the 23's Zombie Zombie
start playing
Assault On Precinct 13 , a real step back in time that makes us relive the music of the '80s synth atmospheres and hallucinatory horror of those years. Etienne Jaumet probably like me, still a boy in the early '80s, put aside the little money that allowed him to go to the cinema to see movies John Carpenter, George Romero, David Cronenberg, Ridley Scott, Ken Russell , film that behind the facade of a science fiction horror, more or less conventional, hiding in reality strong message of political protest. Etienne Jaumet gives the impression to be a guy who decided to remain so. With a pair of thick-rimmed glasses vintage, we see him surrounded by machinery of various types, including synths, keyboards, old style equipment and various gadgets, and verifies that the sounds produced by its equipment is in the weave of the fabric annodino perfectly sound . Cosmic Neman , by contrast, beat the drums incessantly to create a wall of beats and percussion, until fall, at the end of the concert, a man practically exhausted. With Escape from LA and

Halloween, Zombie Zombie confirm that la loro non è una semplice celebrazione nostalgica delle colonne sonore del grande regista newyorkese, ma una rilettura appassionata capace di esaltare lo spirito psichedelico di quei viaggi horror, dilatandoli in una sorta di trance ipnotica che cattura e trascina. L’intreccio tra synth/tastiere e batteria/percussioni funziona, funziona davvero bene. Il pubblico mostra di gradire. Con The thing (il pezzo più significativo dell’album, non a caso scritto da Ennio Morricone ) il gioco si fa davvero duro e le atmosfere psichedeliche si intrecciano in una trama sempre più avvolgente ed incalzante, che fa aumentare enormemente il pathos nell’attesa a terrible event could happen at any moment. Etienne Jaumet shows also know how to play the saxophone and also uses it to include more experimental and personal variations on the theme, and Cosmic Neman, in a break tiring, he enjoys playing with the Theremin, urging the audience to dance a fascinating trip. With Escape from New York
, last song of the evening, our friends in Paris retrieve the retro sounds of the original version of Carpenter and the pounding beat in a sequence, in many ways minimal, in a gradually increasing tension . The audience ovation. This "Zombie Zombie John Carpenter plays" is certainly a great story, an evocation of the hallucinatory and amplified worries of our modern world. And to think of it, what "The Thing" by John Carpenter if not all of this? A narrative that Zombie Zombie demonstrated their ability to tell a really magnificent. Article and Photos by Felice Marotta


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