Monday, February 14, 2011

Is It Illegal To Own Body Armor In California

30 - 29

oggi al ritorno dal lavoro siamo incappati in un piccolo incidente stradale. niente serious.
but when we arrived, no one understood anything. a lot of people and a person on the ground.
seemed serious so we ran to help him. making off in a thousand scooters reach. one part of the family and other motor Tassinari. are pulling the unconscious. I do not understand why. I try to calm them to administer first aid. nothing to do. scream and pull of both sides of the body as a puppet. Ruscha finally lay the wounded. and while we are kneeling down trying to figure it comes one from behind and pulls a bucket of water in his face. nearly pure lava me, idiot! but now we find that the alleged injured is not really hurt! is drunk! No one has investito. barcollava in mezzo alla strada ed è caduto. tutto qui.
ma il tipo appena si ripiglia ci vede e inizia ad imprecare e ad agitare i pugni in aria per minacciarci. - mavatteneaffanculo! - dico io.
i parenti lo tengono a fatica. poi crolla di nuovo al suolo. a questo punto, non curanti pericolo, ossia della fiatella alcolica nauseabonda, lo carichiamo in macchina e lo portiamo in ospedale.
si torna a casa. fine della storia.


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