Thursday, August 23, 2007

Reneging On A Rental Agreement

Prima segnalazione calabrese di Gambecchio frullino, 12.08.07

Also at the mouth of the river
Passovecchio (Crotone) observed ind. JUV of Stint whisk limicola falcinellus , especially the first report of Calabria. The sample remained in the area until at least 18 last, when the shots were made below. Several other species observed in the past days in the company of the whisk. The list is below.




Check-list of 12.08.07:

1) Anas sp. 2
2) Beccaccia di mare 34
3) Corriere piccolo 6
4) Piovanello pancianera 6
5) Piovanello 4
6) Gambecchi frullino 1
7) Gambecchio 30+
8) Piro piro piccolo 8
9) Gabbiano comune 20+
10) Gabbiano roseo 1
11) Gabbiano reale 50+
12) Gabbiano corso 1
13) Beccapesci 2
14) Sterna zampenere 1
15) Mignattino 3
16) Martin pescatore 2
17) Rondine diversi ind.
18) Balestruccio 100+
19) Ballerina bianca alcuni ind.
20) Cutrettola 20+

Nei giorni successivi si sono aggiunti:

21) Pettegola 1
22) Totano moro 1
23) Ruddy Turnstone 1

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sonicare Toothbrush Charging Without A Charger

Foto-report: foce Passovecchio (KR), 11.08.07


Photo 1. - waders at the mouth of the river Passovecchio (KR)
The autumn migration at the mouth of the river Passovecchio (a few miles north of the town of Crotone) started already by the end of July. Day 11 August, equipped with binoculars and camera, I made the first shots in Charadriiformes that every year attend the area. It must be said that no wetlands in the province (including Mouth of Neto) the waders and other waterbirds are so confident in this as, after all also quite degraded (see Photo 3). Bathers at a few tens of meters and motor vehicles in continuous passage seem not to disturb all the animals that constantly scour the shallow waters of the stream. Carry some photos of the day and the full report of the species observed.

Photo 2. - wooded Sandpiper Tringa glareola

Photo 3. - Black Tern Chlidonias niger

1) Oystercatcher 11
2) Little Ringed Plover 6
3) 6 Dunlin
4) Knot 4
5) Little Stint 40
6) Sandpiper wooded 6
7) Common Sandpiper 6
8) Black-headed Gull 10 +
Gull 50 + 10) 3 Black Tern
11) Swallow alc. ind.
House Martin 50 + 13) White Wagtail alc. ind.
14) Yellow Wagtail 20 +

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Dongle Emulator Propellerhead Record

Report: Marchesato di Crotone, 3.6.07

wonderful afternoon spent with his friend the Marquis of Crotone Massimo Salerno, an expert knowledge of wild and passionate in our province.
first stage of the nest White Stork Ciconia ciconia , which in recent years has chosen our area to breed. Ben 5 children in the nursery, situated on a high trestle tensione.

Si procede verso zone più interne e difficili da raggiungere. Lungo il tragitto una piccola colonia di Gruccioni Merops apiaster , visibile dalla strada provinciale e facile da osservare e fotografare.

Dopo di che arriviamo in una delle aree più affascinanti del crotonese, dove osserviamo la sola coppia di Capovaccaio Neophron percnopterus nidificante e altre specie di rapaci e passeriformi.

Questo il report completo della giornata:

1) White Stork 7 (2 ad. + 5 pull)
2) Capovaccaio 3 (2 ad. Pullus + 1)
3) Biancone 1
4) Black Kite 2 (cp.)
5) Marsh Harrier 1 f
6) Poiana
6 + 7) 4 + Kestrel
8) Pellegrino 1 Juv.
9) Pigeon div. ind.
10) Collared Dove alc. ind.
11) Swift
12) Hoopoe 1
13) Bee-eater colony of 20/30 cp. + Several ind. almost everywhere
14) Jay Marine 2 cp.
15) Cappellaccia alc. ind.
16) Swallow several ind.
17) Balestruccio alc. ind.
18) Merlo
19) Capinera
20) Warbler
21) Beccamoschino
22) Nightingale
23) Cetti's
24) Shrike piccola 1 f
25) Ghiandaia
26) Taccola
27) Cornacchia grigia
28) Corvo imperiale 2
29) Fringuello
30) Cardellino

Saturday, May 5, 2007

How To Hide My Ip Ubuntu

L'arrivo delle Ghiandaie marine

Piacevole pomeriggio trascorso ieri in compagnia delle tre coppie di Ghiandaia marina Coracias garrulus in loc. Trafinello, nella periferia di Crotone. Da almeno 14 anni questa specie nidifica nelle cavità di una masseria abbandonata, ormai ridotta a pochi resti. Nella stessa struttura c'è anche un nido di Gheppio. Appostandomi a non troppa distanza, ho potuto effettuare qualche scatto interessante, nonostante il forte vento e le condizioni di luce non sempre ottimali. Osservati anche gli spectacular attacks Jays to a Juv. that the Harrier, scouring the hills and surrounding fields of wheat, often approaching a few meters from the house in ruins.

This is the total number of species observed:

1) Marsh Harrier 3 (1 f, 2 Juv.)
2) Harrier 1 Juv.
3) Buzzard 2
4) Kestrel
4 5) 7 Red-footed Falcon
6) Peregrine 1
7) Pigeon alc. ind.
8) Swift div. ind.
9) Bee alc. ind. (Grateful)
10) Jay Navy 6 (3 cp.)
11) Cappellaccia alc. ind.
12) Topino 4
13) Balestruccio alc. ind.
14) 1 m Whinchat
15) Beccamoschino div. ind.
16) Lanius sp. ( senator?) 1
17) Gazza div. ind.
18) Hooded Crow div. ind.
19) Raven 2
20) of Italy Passera div. ind.

Friday, April 27, 2007

How To Remove A Shower Tension Curtain Rod

Progetto "Cicogna bianca"

   Dear reader,     
inform you that this year started the project

"White Stork" which includes the study, monitoring and

the surveillance of these pairs of storks in

   There are two this year  novità importanti che 
caratterizzano il
caratterizzano il progetto:
La prima è che le coppie di Cicogne nidificanti in
Calabria sono quattro, una in più rispetto all’anno
L’altro evento che merita di essere segnalato è che la
coppia giunta quest’anno per nidificare ha utilizzato una
delle piattaforme artificiali in legno che, con il
supporto dell’Enel, abbiamo installato in recent years on
The objective of the pad are artificial footsteps is to
serve as a reference for other couples in migration and
entice them to nest.
And this is what happened extraordinarily
this year for the first time in Calabria.
efforts and commitment put in over the years,
evidently beginning to give us reason for the goodness of
Project "White Stork".
it is thanks to this strong commitment if the now
White Stork nests without any problems in Calabria,
passing by 2 pairs in 2002 to 4 pairs of 2007
a very important historical fact, sin'ora ever recorded
in our region.
These data give us more strength and enthusiasm for
continue in this project whose goal is
to encourage the establishment of a core group of Stork
white in Calabria.
Sincerely, Robert
Officer LIPU Makes .

Monday, April 16, 2007

Baby Messages Congratulations

Report: loc. Trafinello - Crotone, 15.4.07

Day of step migration unexpected, yesterday; recatomi in loc. Trafinello (suburb of Crotone) in the hope of the first Jays Photographic marine (not yet arrived), I was lucky enough to observe the passage of birds of prey belonging mainly to the genus Circus .

This list of species observed from 15:20 to 18:30

1) Black Kite 1
2) Marsh Harrier 4 (2 mm, 2 ff, 2 JUV .)
3) Harrier 19 (12 mm, 5 ff, 2 Juv.)
4) pale Albany 4 (1 m to., a m-to sub, 1 f, 1 Juv.)
5) Poiana 6 ( local)
6) Hawk 1 m (local)
7) Kestrel 7 (local)

species not Falconiformes:

8) Pigeon div. ind.
9) Collared Dove alc. ind.
10) Swift div. ind.
11) Hoopoe 1
12) Cappellaccia div. ind.
13) Swallow div. ind.
14) Balestruccio div. ind.
15) 3 Prispolone
16) Wagtail 1
17) 1 m Wheatear
18) Wheatear ssp. melanoleuca 1 m, 1 f
19) Whinchat 3 mm
20) Beccamoschino div. ind.
21) Cetti's some ind.
22) Shrike Shrike 3
23) Gazza some ind.
24) Hooded Crow div. ind.
25) Raven a
26) Oriole
1 m 27) of Italy Passera div. ind.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Is There Any Way To Repair Damaged Hair

Report: Foce del Neto, 13.3.07

very fruitful day yesterday at the mouth of Neto. Also observed a new species for me, a female / imm. Emery Falco colombarius (second alert for the area).
01) Sula 1 ind. 2nd year
02) 5 Cormorant
Grey Heron 30 + 04) 2 with spatula.
05) 2 m + f Garganey
06) Marsh Harrier 7 (including 1 m ad.)
07) Buzzard 1
08) Kestrel
3 + 09) Peregrine Falcon 1
10) Emery 1 f / imm.
11) Moorhen 3
12) Little Ringed Plover 3
13) Black-headed Gull 40 +
14) Seagull rosy
10 15)
Gull 30 + 16)
Gull 300 + 17) Audouin 9 (6 to . ind +2. the 3rd and 2 in year 2)
18) 8 + to Saffron.
19) sandwich tern
3 + 20) Pigeon some ind.
21) Collared Dove
3 + 22) 4 Hoopoe
23) Martin a fisherman
24) Skylark several ind.
25) Cappellaccia many ind.
26) Calandrella
50 + 27) Swallow
15 + 28) 5 Balestruccio
29) Merlo some ind.
30) Ochiocotto 2
31) Beccamoschino several ind.
32) Cetti's other ind.
33) Gazza several ind.
34) Hooded Crow several ind.
35) Reversal of 7
36) Frinfuello
50 + 37) 40 + Linnet
38) 50 + Goldfinch
39) Verdone several ind.
40) bunting several ind.

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea the mouth of Neto.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cost Of Main Cirucit Board For Ge Refrigator

Spring Alive 2007

I receive and the public.
Dear Reader,
inform you that an innovative and interesting project
international migration of birds, designed by
BirdLife International, was launched by LIPU in
Italy in recent days.
The project aims to involve and
raise public awareness on migration
of birds through the use of computers and
Now therefore, adults and children throughout Europe when
make their first sighting of Swallow and
three other migratory species as a symbol of spring
the Swift, the cuckoo and the stork, they can put
the project website with
order to observe the progressive advancement of
E questo grazie a una mappa online che riproduce in tempo
reale la rotta migratoria percorsa dalle quattro specie.
I dati raccolti saranno inoltre utili per sapere se i
cambiamenti climatici stanno influenzando (e come) la
migrazione degli uccelli.
Le specie di uccelli oggetto di Spring Alive percorrono
migliaia di chilometri prima di giungere in Italia dalle
zone di svernamento a Sud del Mar Mediterraneo. Il Cuculo
tropical Africa comes after a trip without stopping,
6 thousand kilometers, flying over the Sahara Desert and
the Mediterranean. The Swift flies to 5 thousand miles,
Swallow up to 10 thousand, while the White Stork also
12 thousand.
The project is a great opportunity to combine shipping
on the Internet, entertainment, acquisition of new
knowledge and participation in scientific activities.
Along with the maps and the ability to input data, the
site is very informative and interesting games.
   also offers the opportunity to make friends 
the arrival of spring in their country by sending an electronic postcard
or games. It can be very exciting
out in the spring, bird watching
and tell the world that spring has already arrived in their city

Roberto Santopaolo
LIPU Makes

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Canon Super Slim Camera

Prima segnalazione invernale di Gabbiano corso in Calabria

This morning I returned to the port of Crotone to ascertain the likely presence of two Horned Grebes Podiceps auritus , seen from far away yesterday afternoon. It would be the first report of Calabria, but unfortunately the light and the distance I had been deceived: they were mere children Grebes Podiceps nigricollis .
When the disappointment seemed to have gained the upper hand for the non-observation of the two "horns", I decide to move in a more sheltered from the strong south-west coast, and soon the idea was excellent.
Among a small group of saffron (14), Yellow-legged Gulls (6) and Gull reefs (2), there are also 1 adult and a beautiful ind. the first winter Gull Larus audouinii during . The immature disappeared from view shortly after, while the adult remains there until the afternoon. I can take some photos, but the subject is too far away and very little light. The images below represent the best that I could get (using over all a bit of digital zoom ...).
This observation represents the first case of the species wintering in Calabria. The gull, though not abundant, is a regular migrant along the Ionian coast of Calabria, but had never been reported in winter.

Webcam Live Hair Salon

Progetto Rondini (LIPU Rende)

Ricevo e pubblico un estratto del comunicato di Roberto Santopaolo sull'avvio del Progetto Rondini della sezione LIPU Rende .
Caro Lettore, ti comunichiamo che è partita in questi giorni la prima fase del Progetto Rondini attraverso l'affisione, nei locali pubblici (negozi, bar, scuole, università, ecc.), di una locandina che spiega sinteticamente il Progetto.
(...) Per contrastare il declino di questo simpatico abitante delle nostre campagne, LIPU many years ago, launched the project Swallows at which our Chamber has joined from the beginning. This is a complex intervention strategy that includes measures of study, awareness and protection. One of these actions concern, locally, the census of the Swallow on our municipal area.
The Project includes the enumeration of this species by counting nests occupied by Swallow and the number of young people born in the year. Since the species used as nesting site stables, barns or abandoned houses, the first phase (February-March) involves the identification of these structures, while the actual census will run during the breeding season of the species, (April-July).
census at the end, if we find the resources necessary, a report will be produced in booklet form, which will be distributed to local schools educational purposes.
This initiative therefore aims to achieve significant results, both in the field of conservation awareness and environmental education.
(...) You can download the entire press release by right-clicking here . Below is the poster of the Project.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Applying Grommet Tape

Foto-report: Porto KR, 8.2.07

early February Afternoon spent at the port of Crotone. We are in the middle of winter and yet still remains exceptionally mild climate, it seems a day in early spring. Arrive at 14:30, squares tripod and telescope and start looking around. The two shelducks are always at sea, an adult female and an individual at the first winter. Mount the adapter to my camera and start digiscoping.

In one of the basins of the dredging of the port there is a new Egret that seems to rest after a hectic day activities. The white reflection in the water heralds the arrival of sunset ...

minutes pass and the light is getting warmer. A small group of Grebes Podiceps and children gathered together for the night in the middle of the stretch of sea in front of me. The white neck of their winter livery is painted orange and reflections on projects that seem to come from an impressionist painting.

Even the gulls gather, a bit more distant from my location. Along with seagulls (100 + ind.) and real (vs. ca 30), there are also 9 Zafferani (ssp. fuscus and graelsii , plus 2 Juv.).

Meanwhile, as the tones of light become more red-orange, the two shelducks join the group of loons, it being almost all the time to rest his head bent back.

Finally I see a Great Crested Grebe in full summer plumage, whose magnificent ridge breaks down several times in water barely rippled wavy reflections.

When the wind becomes colder, I understand that it is time to return home, partly because the light is increasingly scarce and does not allow me to photograph more than a decent (I'm using, among other things, the optical zoom 3x).
Other species sighted: Cormorant (10 +), Common Sandpiper (1), Kingfisher (2), hat, Chiffchaff, Robin, Beccamoschino.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Frequent Cruising Spots In Mumbai

Report: Invaso S. Anna, 22.1.07

Day foggy morning all'Invaso S. Anna, where, as every year, I have gone to the census of wintering water. Less than usual and more scarce species, again because of still semi-spring weather.
dams S. Anna - Isola Capo Rizzuto, KR (photo G. Monterosso).
1) Black-necked Grebe
3 + 2) Great Crested Grebe 55
3) Cormorant 21
4) Mallard 14 +
5) 16 Wigeon
6) Codon
5 + 7) 126 + Teal
8) Pochard 224
9) 13 + Coot
Gull 122 + 11) 5 + Pispola

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Baby Arrival Hurricane

Report: Porto di Crotone, 19.1.07

morning spent at the port of Crotone for the regular census of wintering water. The spring weather definitely did not allow me to observe species of particular importance. The check-list is still interesting.

Shelduck Tadorna Tadorna - One of two females wintering in the Port of Crotone.
1) Black-necked Grebe
6 + 2) Great Crested Grebe
14 + 3) 1 lesser Berta
4) Cormorant
13 + 5) 2 ff
Shelduck 6) Coot
4 + 7) Common Sandpiper 3
8) Seagull 150 + common
9) Gull
2 + 10) 1 Gabbianello
Gull 175 + 12) 26 Saffron
13) sandwich tern 3 +
14) Kingfisher 2
15) White Wagtail alc.
16) Black Redstart various ind.
17) Warbler alc. ind.
18) Cetti's alc. ind.
19) Gazza alc. ind.
20) Jackdaw various ind.
21) Witch of Italy several ind.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Birthday Clip Art Old

Yes, traveling ...

I would like to invite you to read dell'affascinante trip-report of three components , Ennio Critelli, Gabriella Motta and Sandro Couch (pictured right), with beautiful images that illustrate their journey Spain year-end.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Driver's License North Carolina Ontario

Chronicles manger n.2

Always and only go in Italy Passer italiae alla mia mangiatoia (per ora...). Vedrò di invogliare qualche Codirosso spazzacamino con briciole di biscotti prossimamente. Questo passero maschio è stato fotografato il 27.XII.06 con digiscoping (la prima prova fatta con la mia nuova fotocamera: Samsung i6).
PS: se vi piace questo scatto, potete votarlo cliccando qui . Trovate altre mie foto cliccando qui .