Ricevo e pubblico un estratto del comunicato di Roberto Santopaolo sull'avvio del Progetto Rondini della sezione LIPU Rende .
Caro Lettore, ti comunichiamo che è partita in questi giorni la prima fase del Progetto Rondini attraverso l'affisione, nei locali pubblici (negozi, bar, scuole, università, ecc.), di una locandina che spiega sinteticamente il Progetto.
(...) Per contrastare il declino di questo simpatico abitante delle nostre campagne, LIPU many years ago, launched the project Swallows at which our Chamber has joined from the beginning. This is a complex intervention strategy that includes measures of study, awareness and protection. One of these actions concern, locally, the census of the Swallow on our municipal area.
The Project includes the enumeration of this species by counting nests occupied by Swallow and the number of young people born in the year. Since the species used as nesting site stables, barns or abandoned houses, the first phase (February-March) involves the identification of these structures, while the actual census will run during the breeding season of the species, (April-July).
census at the end, if we find the resources necessary, a report will be produced in booklet form, which will be distributed to local schools educational purposes.
This initiative therefore aims to achieve significant results, both in the field of conservation awareness and environmental education.
(...) You can download the entire press release by right-clicking here . Below is the poster of the Project.
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