early February Afternoon spent at the port of Crotone. We are in the middle of winter and yet still remains exceptionally mild climate, it seems a day in early spring. Arrive at 14:30, squares tripod and telescope and start looking around. The two shelducks are always at sea, an adult female and an individual at the first winter. Mount the adapter to my camera and start digiscoping.
In one of the basins of the dredging of the port there is a new Egret that seems to rest after a hectic day activities. The white reflection in the water heralds the arrival of sunset ...

minutes pass and the light is getting warmer. A small group of Grebes Podiceps and children gathered together for the night in the middle of the stretch of sea in front of me. The white neck of their winter livery is painted orange and reflections on projects that seem to come from an impressionist painting.

Even the gulls gather, a bit more distant from my location. Along with seagulls (100 + ind.) and real (vs. ca 30), there are also 9 Zafferani (ssp. fuscus and graelsii , plus 2 Juv.).
Meanwhile, as the tones of light become more red-orange, the two shelducks join the group of loons, it being almost all the time to rest his head bent back.
Finally I see a Great Crested Grebe in full summer plumage, whose magnificent ridge breaks down several times in water barely rippled wavy reflections.
When the wind becomes colder, I understand that it is time to return home, partly because the light is increasingly scarce and does not allow me to photograph more than a decent (I'm using, among other things, the optical zoom 3x).
Other species sighted: Cormorant (10 +), Common Sandpiper (1), Kingfisher (2), hat, Chiffchaff, Robin, Beccamoschino.
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