Dear Reader,
inform you that an innovative and interesting project
international migration of birds, designed by
BirdLife International, was launched by LIPU in
Italy in recent days.
The project aims to involve and
raise public awareness on migration
of birds through the use of computers and
Now therefore, adults and children throughout Europe when
make their first sighting of Swallow and
three other migratory species as a symbol of spring
the Swift, the cuckoo and the stork, they can put
the project website www.springalive.net with
order to observe the progressive advancement of
E questo grazie a una mappa online che riproduce in tempo
reale la rotta migratoria percorsa dalle quattro specie.
I dati raccolti saranno inoltre utili per sapere se i
cambiamenti climatici stanno influenzando (e come) la
migrazione degli uccelli.
Le specie di uccelli oggetto di Spring Alive percorrono
migliaia di chilometri prima di giungere in Italia dalle
zone di svernamento a Sud del Mar Mediterraneo. Il Cuculo
tropical Africa comes after a trip without stopping,
6 thousand kilometers, flying over the Sahara Desert and
the Mediterranean. The Swift flies to 5 thousand miles,
Swallow up to 10 thousand, while the White Stork also
12 thousand.
The project is a great opportunity to combine shipping
on the Internet, entertainment, acquisition of new
knowledge and participation in scientific activities.
Along with the maps and the ability to input data, the
site is very informative and interesting games.
inform you that an innovative and interesting project
international migration of birds, designed by
BirdLife International, was launched by LIPU in
Italy in recent days.
The project aims to involve and
raise public awareness on migration
of birds through the use of computers and
Now therefore, adults and children throughout Europe when
make their first sighting of Swallow and
three other migratory species as a symbol of spring
the Swift, the cuckoo and the stork, they can put
the project website www.springalive.net with
order to observe the progressive advancement of
E questo grazie a una mappa online che riproduce in tempo
reale la rotta migratoria percorsa dalle quattro specie.
I dati raccolti saranno inoltre utili per sapere se i
cambiamenti climatici stanno influenzando (e come) la
migrazione degli uccelli.
Le specie di uccelli oggetto di Spring Alive percorrono
migliaia di chilometri prima di giungere in Italia dalle
zone di svernamento a Sud del Mar Mediterraneo. Il Cuculo
tropical Africa comes after a trip without stopping,
6 thousand kilometers, flying over the Sahara Desert and
the Mediterranean. The Swift flies to 5 thousand miles,
Swallow up to 10 thousand, while the White Stork also
12 thousand.
The project is a great opportunity to combine shipping
on the Internet, entertainment, acquisition of new
knowledge and participation in scientific activities.
Along with the maps and the ability to input data, the
site is very informative and interesting games.
also offers the opportunity to make friends
the arrival of spring in their country by sending an electronic postcard
or games. It can be very exciting
out in the spring, bird watching
and tell the world that spring has already arrived in their city
Roberto Santopaolo
LIPU Makes
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