morning spent at the port of Crotone for the regular census of wintering water. The spring weather definitely did not allow me to observe species of particular importance. The check-list is still interesting.
Shelduck Tadorna Tadorna - One of two females wintering in the Port of Crotone.
1) Black-necked Grebe
6 + 2) Great Crested Grebe
14 + 3) 1 lesser Berta
4) Cormorant
13 + 5) 2 ff
Shelduck 6) Coot
4 + 7) Common Sandpiper 3
8) Seagull 150 + common
9) Gull
2 + 10) 1 Gabbianello
Gull 175 + 12) 26 Saffron
13) sandwich tern 3 +
14) Kingfisher 2
15) White Wagtail alc.
16) Black Redstart various ind.
17) Warbler alc. ind.
18) Cetti's alc. ind.
19) Gazza alc. ind.
20) Jackdaw various ind.
21) Witch of Italy several ind.
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