Dear reader,
inform you that this year started the project
"White Stork" which includes the study, monitoring and
the surveillance of these pairs of storks in
There are two this year novità importanti cheLa prima è che le coppie di Cicogne nidificanti in
caratterizzano il caratterizzano il progetto:
Calabria sono quattro, una in più rispetto all’anno
L’altro evento che merita di essere segnalato è che la
coppia giunta quest’anno per nidificare ha utilizzato una
delle piattaforme artificiali in legno che, con il
supporto dell’Enel, abbiamo installato in recent years on
The objective of the pad are artificial footsteps is to
serve as a reference for other couples in migration and
entice them to nest.
And this is what happened extraordinarily
this year for the first time in Calabria.
efforts and commitment put in over the years,
evidently beginning to give us reason for the goodness of
Project "White Stork".
it is thanks to this strong commitment if the now
White Stork nests without any problems in Calabria,
passing by 2 pairs in 2002 to 4 pairs of 2007
a very important historical fact, sin'ora ever recorded
in our region.
These data give us more strength and enthusiasm for
continue in this project whose goal is
to encourage the establishment of a core group of Stork
white in Calabria.
serve as a reference for other couples in migration and
entice them to nest.
And this is what happened extraordinarily
this year for the first time in Calabria.
efforts and commitment put in over the years,
evidently beginning to give us reason for the goodness of
Project "White Stork".
it is thanks to this strong commitment if the now
White Stork nests without any problems in Calabria,
passing by 2 pairs in 2002 to 4 pairs of 2007
a very important historical fact, sin'ora ever recorded
in our region.
These data give us more strength and enthusiasm for
continue in this project whose goal is
to encourage the establishment of a core group of Stork
white in Calabria.
Sincerely, Robert
Officer LIPU Makes .
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