Here the thought came to the star of today.

And today I speak of Maria Cristina , but for me the mythical Cris ... is the last person, not in order of importance, who responded to my call!
Ci segue fin dagli albori con costanza e pazienza, ama i gatti e, questo è già un punto a suo favore, ha anche lei un blog di cucina blog Pane Burro e Zucchero
E’ una persona sofisticata, amante delle cose “esteticamente” belle, ma al contempo molto alla mano.
E’ una persona dinamica, intraprendente che ama sperimentare: luoghi, gusti, sapori, colori …
Ha viaggiato molto e questo fa sì che tra una ricetta e l’altra “ci scappi” la foto di qualche viaggio!
Le sue foto sono bellissime anche quando ritraggono la sua amata campagna dove, quando può, trova rifugio per qualche giorno lontano dalla città.
Per lei gli oggetti the past, memories, roots are important, his eyes through his shots, able to grasp and convey the magic and I am convinced that only a person of excellent quality can do this. Judge for yourself
his landscapes!

There is no email to write by tomorrow ... and as I do I do??
I do here.
Then tell your friend dear Magali biped who would not dream of interrupting the blog because it would make a lot of orphans.
Dille, however, that places less frequently otherwise seem like a job and more fun.
This is my advice. But if you want to continue to challenge ... Of course it also involves you, you'll have to get busy again ...
Maybe you convince the other hand, is what I wish.
And for 2011 I wish you many lullabies in hot Latvian Helga and Fabio succulent and many fishes in the bowl every day. Helga all that want more for themselves and their families.
A great big hug and a long year. Cristi
of bread, butter and sugar
I do here.
Then tell your friend dear Magali biped who would not dream of interrupting the blog because it would make a lot of orphans.
Dille, however, that places less frequently otherwise seem like a job and more fun.
This is my advice. But if you want to continue to challenge ... Of course it also involves you, you'll have to get busy again ...
Maybe you convince the other hand, is what I wish.
And for 2011 I wish you many lullabies in hot Latvian Helga and Fabio succulent and many fishes in the bowl every day. Helga all that want more for themselves and their families.
A great big hug and a long year. Cristi
of bread, butter and sugar
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