Now, I present to you A spirit
An anonymous
reader who wrote me with fervor
E 'funny person
Especially clever mind has a superfine
Ed is skilled in the kitchen
Every day I left
A heartfelt support
A pearl of wisdom from seasoned
After hours of merriment His words are working
the right conclusion to dampen the tension
me to death rider fan and fan ricordan
I understand that life in happiness
is the best there is
I leave, I thank him
E I apologize for 'I'm agony
In response to my appeal
He sent me a ditty
Without You judge what you
influence flowing dialectic
Senza esser irriverente!
Ed ecco la sua bellissima partecipazione!
Un anno di blog
Era quasi, mi ricordo, in arrivo il nuovo anno,
che mi giunse la notizia tra il faceto e un po’ d’affanno,
che una vecchia conoscente, di nome Helga o giù di lì,
si era messa in avventura con la gatta Magalì,
nel volere cucinare, sin d’allora ed ogni giorno,
qualche cosa di companatico e finanche di contorno.
Tale idea del cucinare mi pareva un po’ balzana,
tanto più che la ragazza non sembrava … Suor Germana.
Soprattutto mi colpiva, più che l’idea,
the fact that he wanted to cook ... with the help of his cat!
Thus, in any case, out of curiosity I started
not connect with the computer to the new site named
'Pates et pattes' to the French, trying perhaps a coat of arms,
or even to propose a more elegant soup!
There is first of all to say that every food presented
addition to having a great name ... for the most part very well chosen,
often lent itself to being easily cooked, resulting
each ingredient well described and shown
(except that 'pasta brick' that only you - I think - has bought ...) In addition
then made to photograph each dish,
the 'girl' has started to bring some fact of his life lived
or other stories,
mixing pearls of life ... to an unusual omelette.
to photos of eating going on, not infrequently,
the Helga you approach too: "... where I go."
And so it was known around at times for France,
always careful, even there, to feed us a little 'belly.
adding the photos of the church visited
or the glimpse of a tree with a rounded tip.
Or that lovely little place with the entrance picturesque,
or sweet there in the window ... as in German.
Of this then happened to find in his blog,
more than the recipe on line to copy or to taste,
the latest news about the trip now finished,
to see the report in a flambé or fondue.
After photographing her cat in every style,
and what he sees from the balcony, even when there is rain, he added
other photos of every type and situation,
that you forget the recipe for salmon .
So I was going to try that the carbonara,
I found myself meditating on the life sweet or bitter,
with attempts to reason on facts ugly or beautiful, and forget the recipe
risotto with peas.
And so, day by day, wandering in a flat dish,
happened that everyone can not say that he had done:
to think that Helga well as well-cooked,
deep down, most importantly, the company could give.
By sending best wishes to her friend's birthday ...
recalling the nearby .... ol'amico breathless.
repeating to those who read or even cast a single eye, which is important
a nice thought ... between a soup and a fag.
not matter if the end was to cook the cat
not matter that I think I feel a little crazy. What
really counts,
in my heart and mind,
is that a year has passed,
between a sauce and a milkshake.
has moved so quickly,
between a plate and fork, and Helga is
seemed even a bit 'in my life,
a potato chip ... which leaves the salt on your fingers!
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