In questo periodo ho affiancato mio nipote negli studi … e tutto questo mi ha portato ad una riflessione.
Ora l’esame in questione è matematica o meglio analisi matematica, che già, ai miei tempi, avevo dato alla fine del mio corso di studi e mi era costato parecchia fatica, l’abbiamo ristudiata insieme alle superiori ed ora rieccola qui all’università. E, pensate un po’, su quattro esami preparati è stato l’unico non superato!
I thought that, in practice, there is always prepared to wait ... all this led me to compare this juncture existence.
All situations are not accepted, not resolved in some way back, they are right there waiting for you around the corner ... everyone has something left in the street, thinking of you define it or simply hushed up, but it is not so sooner or later will recur and if you do not give him "hearing" will always be waiting in ambush inexorably. This led me to define things in my life that I find myself referencing the front, I pretend nothing, but they are there waiting for an inequality between and a study of function, need to be resolved.
To be in tune with the atmosphere careful, studied and calculated these days, I have compiled a large list to which I intend to give comprehensive reply, can perform the appropriate task for not finding myself once again with a limit tending to infinity.
message Magali: these days I did with my culinary attempts zampotte ... soon on these screens!
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