flashback to a couple of weeks ...
the beginning and end of an epidemic of cholera are made of laboratory tests to identify the type of vibrio responsible for the infections and the sensitivity / resistance to various antibiotics.
at the end of the epidemic is important to ensure that cases of diarrhea caused by Vibrio are still observed and not from other microorganisms normally responsible for diarrhea, especially in children.
then ask us to start from the capital to draw random samples for laboratory testing.
in a cholera outbreak is easy to imagine where you can take the samples! ...
... right, right there!
short, they ask us to go across to the cholera treatment centers (CTC), in cities and suburban centers, having nice bastoncini di legno, tipo cottonfioc ma più grandi, e chiedere gentilmente ai pazienti il permesso per infilarglieli nel culo!
il modo giusto per guadagnarsi la fiducia degli haitiani!
è proprio vero, come recita un antico proverbio haitiano, che
"quando arriva l'uomo bianco c'è da stringere le chiappe!"
(nota: antico proverbio haitiano inventato dall'autore del blog)

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