Monday, February 28, 2011

Timothy Hay Cures Cancer

Over the past year we have published many recipes for love, for me, just to remind the re-emergence was a joyful one ... feeling like the strudel of my mother, Nonna Maria balls, each with his memory and taste indelible memory.
Thinking about this contest, I flashed to mind so many dishes, but there is one that is truly incomparable, representative of what a person with modest abilities and humble ingredients to cook something that I could have remained inside as the "source" d 'love.
A dish that you think, do not eat more than 35 years, from the days when my grandfather I was preparing him. A man straight out of a western movie, run away from home for only ten years old and lived in the Black Forest not know how ...
Giochele Grandpa, that was his nickname, I still remember when I needed to mix the vegetables and that for me , was the cake that only he could make, it was his way of transmitting its history, its origins, his love during our rare meetings.
This makes me think that it is easier to exchange bad words, anger, resentment, love is hard to pass it on, "pass" the affection is rare, sometimes complicated, but Grandpa Giochele, in its discretion, could Perfectly prepared to do its schmarren.
I have not had time to tell Magali, she was immediately put to work, because I had never cooked this cake and I am convinced that, surely, it will be like eating at the "restaurant of love found."
With the recipe now participate in the contest that gave birth
sweeten and mother duck and the first contest of here is cooked with love

is our participation !

Flavor of Love
Ingredients for 4 servings: 300 g of milk

4 eggs
vial of vanilla 2 tablespoons sugar
100 g dried apricots 3 tablespoons soft

cherry jam Powdered sugar Butter for the pan

Mix sugar and flour, pour flush with the milk, add vanilla, add to the mix an egg at a time. Divide into two pieces in one, add the apricots cut into four pieces, mix. On the other side of the compound, add the raisins, previously softened in hot water, drain and dry.
Grease a pan with butter and cook the mixture.
practices will be two "pancake". Sprinkle
the one with the apricots with vanilla sugar and garnish with the raisins and jam. And as said Magali
"leccatevi mustache!"

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Frédéricton Car Auction

Haiti - unpublished - 1

today ... I've

morning. breakfast. soon we must go to the center for call a colleague. came to the rescue of the injured (not serious) in a car accident a half-hour machine. she is going in the opposite direction. can not go back. need a car (preferably with a doctor) to retrieve them and bring them to the hospital. I realize that I was the only doctor. fuck! it's my turn. ok let's go. I take a jeep and driver and head. rocket! Haitians cross
landscapes. amazing! Caribbean Sea. bright green mountains. one after the other small villages. multi-colored houses and stalls. walls covered with inscriptions and drawings. of all kinds. Caribbean vibrancy. and then markets for bananas and coal improvised roadside. in the street would say. attended two or three quasi-investment of pedestrians crossing the dick (without looking nda).
arriving on site. all quiet. a tap tap (Haitian traditional public transport) reversed. cared for three kids sitting by my colleague.
a scratched
a hit on the head
a possible fracture
loading, distributed them. U-turn hospital management. we arrive at our hotel. exceeding it. we arrive at the roadblock, usually deserted. Today we are waiting for the blue helmets of United Nations. fuciloni flattened. make us pull over. Instantly: skin whitening
drop of cold sweat that line the temple
poop in pre-release
see the logo of the organization.
-is a doctor! - Say-let go-big smiles and thumbs up. let us pass. I smile a bit 'nervous. I also thumbs-up.
and go well, American!
take the main road to the hospital. Slow down faster

we stop we stop? a lot of people before us. scooters, cars, everything. nobody can move. a later event. all blocked. we reverse the fatigue and change your route through narrow alleys of the center. chaos and goods on display at every corner. finally I see the market. and I feel the characteristic smell. we take an even narrower street. on the right side a huge hole. make us sign waving his hands.
too late. The driver, mortaccisua, we shall enter in full with the front wheel. blocked. first, in reverse, nothing to do. the wheel going round in circles. raises a cloud of smoke. burning smell. we are stuck in the road surrounded by what I would call a puttanaio of people.
with rationality and calmness that I distinguish, I think, ok we're screwed!
but no. a dozen people began to lift the jeep in front of us and pull out of the ditch! roll down the window and thank you in Creole. smile and wave.
before we finally arrive at the hospital. before the closed door. play and knock. nothing. on the left, approaching the procession of protesters. are about thirty meters. an impressive crowd. beginning to get nervous, even though it seems a fair pacifica. venti metri. aprite cazzo!!! finalmente ci aprono ed entriamo. parcheggiamo e scarichiamo i feriti davanti al pronto soccorso (che purtroppo è proprio come me lo immaginavo!). parlo con il personale per spiegare l'accaduto. ma a questo punto non possiamo più uscire. la folla ha raggiunto l’ospedale. ci sono urla. volano schiaffoni. aspettiamo con calma al sicuro dentro all'ospedale. seduto all’ombra vengo salutato da un paio di ragazze che stanno pulendo il viale d’accesso al pronto soccorso. dal nulla iniziano ad accusarmi di essere arrivato insieme ai miei amichetti bianchi e di aver comprato tutta l’isola. mi difendo come posso nel mio ancora-basico creolo. l’autista mi difende a spada tratta.
nel Meanwhile outside the hospital is calm returned. we can move on. back to the center for cholera changing road a thousand times. as a pac-man to escape the crowd that continues to walk the streets of the city.
finally arrived. front, the sea. wonderful view.
are 10.30. you get to work! monochromatic

Prism 7 Portable Digital Height

Haiti - Haiti

the window ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bmi Chart For Women In Canada

Flavor of love A flower of quinoa

We have prepared this recipe in "cocotte", and this has brought us, unfortunately, just the thought of France, loved by Magali because his homeland and me, because, perhaps, my land in other lives, which are linked by a deep love relationship, but now, all you know.
I thought about my dream of living in Paris, surely this wish contains high percentage of utopia, but Magali, wisely, told me that nurture the dreams is beautiful, challenging, and how to live an eternal magic that envelops you slowly.
In this regard, yesterday I found myself in a situation where I was the only person "old", so there really was just me, amid so many young, I observed them, I saw many faces discouraged, tense, demotivated and I felt really fortunate in having the age that I have, in not having to worry about finding work, and, honestly, I hope, for them, they are able to fly away from this debacle surrounding it, even if only in your mind, and also think of impossible dreams, but joyful that their mind is always focused on that heavy burden represented by the search for a job, they can find somewhere in the depths of their being the hope that manage to turn it into determination, to ensure that their wishes can one day. I wish them, once they become adults, to have the ability to think, to dream, set new challenging targets, not to stop the flow of time served, but to try to make new and renovated as a crystal clear jet of water.

And now here we are in the kitchen with this recipe participate in the contest cakes galore , Magali has used an ingredient that I love very much, which I have spoken often in the past year.

Ecco qui la nostra partecipazione!

Un fiore di quinoa
Ingredienti per due persone:
un bicchiere scarso di quinoa
due carote
200 g di broccoli (solo le cimette)
2 cucchiai di panna acida
olio extravergine di oliva

risciacquate la quinoa sotto l’acqua corrente.
Fate cuocere la quinoa in due volte il suo volume di acqua fredda, salate a fine cottura. Portate ad ebolizione, coprite e lasciate cuocere per circa 12 minuti, finchè i semi della quinoa non siano “esplosi” (Basically you have to open), add it if you see no water until you get to cooking.
Remove from heat, add a tablespoon of olive oil, stir and let cool.
Boil in salted boiling water, in two different pots, broccoli and carrots properly cleaned.
Pass the carrots to the robot and add a spoonful of cream, if necessary, salt.
Pass the broccoli to the robot and add a spoonful of cream, if necessary, salt.
In a greased casserole put the quinoa in the center position a stencil, I used a flower, and along its perimeter put the mousse of broccoli, then put in the center a smaller stencil and filled with mousse of carrots. Put in
forno a scaldare per qualche minuto prima di servire.
E come dice Magali “leccatevi i baffi!”

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Supervisor Of Community Service - Letter

36 - 35

in the last three days:

saint marc -
haiti port-au-Prince - Haiti
Pointe a Pitre - Guadeloupe
Paris - France Rome
- Italy
milan - Italy

time at home trying to get my bearings a bit '...

Monday, February 21, 2011

1983 Honda Arrord Hatch Back

Per oggi Magali mi ha ceduto lo spazio ...
In questo periodo ho affiancato mio nipote negli studi … e tutto questo mi ha portato ad una riflessione.
Ora l’esame in questione è matematica o meglio analisi matematica, che già, ai miei tempi, avevo dato alla fine del mio corso di studi e mi era costato parecchia fatica, l’abbiamo ristudiata insieme alle superiori ed ora rieccola qui all’università. E, pensate un po’, su quattro esami preparati è stato l’unico non superato!
I thought that, in practice, there is always prepared to wait ... all this led me to compare this juncture existence.
All situations are not accepted, not resolved in some way back, they are right there waiting for you around the corner ... everyone has something left in the street, thinking of you define it or simply hushed up, but it is not so sooner or later will recur and if you do not give him "hearing" will always be waiting in ambush inexorably. This led me to define things in my life that I find myself referencing the front, I pretend nothing, but they are there waiting for an inequality between and a study of function, need to be resolved.
To be in tune with the atmosphere careful, studied and calculated these days, I have compiled a large list to which I intend to give comprehensive reply, can perform the appropriate task for not finding myself once again with a limit tending to infinity.
message Magali: these days I did with my culinary attempts zampotte ... soon on these screens!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Do You Need A License To Rent A Moped

Haiti - Haiti

arrived in Port au Prince.
tomorrow we fly. guadalupe. France. Italy.
I tried to fix the images in the mind. the camera is left at home. route.
tent cities seem increased. the city seems more chaotic than I remembered. roads clogged with vehicles and people. it took us forever to cross the city. Closed car with a sense of claustrophobia.
already regret Saint Marc. and already I miss the family of Saint Marc.
this morning-not-much-desired wishes. some probable farewell and a safe goodbye.
wrote me a note I read it alone in the car. ill-concealed emotion.

window down and then head resting on the seat in front of the eyes

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Un Tagging In Facebook

34 - 33

last day in the CTC.
last day of work.
penultimate day in Haiti.
after almost three months.
I would say very intense. appear to be many more.
today the greetings with the staff of the center. greetings in Creole.
sadness. lots of hugs. photos. some tears.
exchange of email addresses. the promise of writing, perhaps to meet again. who knows.
I like to think that one day find myself Haitian friends. with some of the local doctors has created a very nice relationship. Once again, three months seems to three years. all concentrated. everything amplified.
and then to dinner with colleagues. the tenants. family!
deferring as much as possible tomorrow morning greetings ... as breakfast together every day for months. crap shoot to start the day. always the same ritual. now known by heart.
little everyday things that I miss very much.
tomorrow starts the journey back home.
a bit 'of time to think. to metabolize the experience of recent months. images and moments to relive an unforgettable experience.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cubase Mac Osx Install

Haiti - Haiti

now at the center, while work proceeded quietly, the news has left us all aghast.
one of the patients, almost cured of cholera, while waiting for discharge in the room "recovery" suddenly bursts into tears. received a phone call from home: the two year old son has just died at home, not far from the center. and discovering that the child had diarrhea and vomiting for three days!
die in two years for diarrhea.
after three months of awareness campaigns in and out of town. with a hospital for cholera and a center close to home. without economic difficulties to deliver the baby. with his father who had the same symptoms and this came from us.
I can not understand, too absurd.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

List Of Complex Cysts On The Reproductive System

I could not ...

I could not show our friend Vito, we told you about him last year and lives with Ali, the mother and daughters Ele (the author of the great picture above) and Faith! Is not it wonderful? I would say so!

What's Californian Waxing

Today I could not ...

Today I could not be present, because today is our party! Yes dear A Mici, today we get in there and panciolle we serve! I decided to do so and I hope that Helga prepare me for something inviting! A warm wish also to James and his gang are hoping that good, we have not yet had time to go find them!
I take this opportunity to wish Happy Birthday to Karin !
pelosotti dear And then follow my example!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gay Crusing Baton Rouge

32 - 31

flashback to a couple of weeks ...

the beginning and end of an epidemic of cholera are made of laboratory tests to identify the type of vibrio responsible for the infections and the sensitivity / resistance to various antibiotics.
at the end of the epidemic is important to ensure that cases of diarrhea caused by Vibrio are still observed and not from other microorganisms normally responsible for diarrhea, especially in children.
then ask us to start from the capital to draw random samples for laboratory testing.
in a cholera outbreak is easy to imagine where you can take the samples! ...
... right, right there!
short, they ask us to go across to the cholera treatment centers (CTC), in cities and suburban centers, having nice bastoncini di legno, tipo cottonfioc ma più grandi, e chiedere gentilmente ai pazienti il permesso per infilarglieli nel culo!
il modo giusto per guadagnarsi la fiducia degli haitiani!
è proprio vero, come recita un antico proverbio haitiano, che
"quando arriva l'uomo bianco c'è da stringere le chiappe!"

(nota: antico proverbio haitiano inventato dall'autore del blog)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Help I Got Thin Hands

Haiti - Haiti

...certo, splendido il mare dei caraibi.
ma quando cambia la corrente...

Is It Safe To Get Drunk On Mouthwash

Heart broken heart

Today is the San Faustino day of singles! This recipe has two meanings: it is dedicated to all those whose hearts are "broken", which is sad for love, but at the same time also represents a heart that finds its perfect even if half of him away! I do not know, I know that with these explanations I'm a little 'messed up, but I am only a cat! By Helga
we reflected on the fact that often those who are in pairs would be single and vice versa we concluded that the reasons are many: sometimes you are not able to appreciate the positives of each situation, as in every situation of ' existence, in general, there is never completely right or wrong choice. The needs umane, i desideri mutano con il tempo e con esse anche l’ipotetica condizione ideale del cuore!
Per me è molto difficile riuscire a comprendere gli umani, per quanto mi sforzi, li trovo sempre molto complicati, ma ormai è ribadito che i gatti sono esseri superiori.
Ringrazio tutti coloro che mi seguono nonostante le mie assenze, vi aspettiamo prossimamente con i nostri pensieri, di cui prendiamo nota quotidianamente con mano e zampotta!
Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest di cuocicucidici e devo dire che mi sono impiastricciata tutte le zampotte, mi sono veramente impegnata!

Ed ecco la ricetta!

Ingredients for 4:
for pasta brise:
200 g flour 100 g butter

7 cl of water

2 tsp sugar 1 pinch salt 30 g cocoa

for cream:
120 g dark chocolate 120 g white chocolate

2 tablespoons sugar 200 ml cream butter for the pan

for the dough: Put the flour in the robot, butter cold from the fridge, cold water, sugar and salt. Divide into two one half add the cocoa. Put the robot in the two compounds separately, start at full power e nel giro di pochi minuti si formerà una palla. Avvolgete nella pellicola alimentare e mettete in frigo fino al momento di utilizzare.
Pelate le pere, togliete i semi, tagliatele in metà. Mettetele in una scodella con tre cucchiai di limone.
Fate bollire l’acqua con tre cucchiai di limone e la bustina di vaniglina. Mettete le pere e fate bollire per qualche minuto. Scolate e fate raffreddare. Tagliate ogni metà in quattro parti.
Togliete la pasta brisé dal frigorifero e stendetela. Foderate due stampi imburrati precedentemente, copriteli con un foglio di carta forno e con fagioli secchi, fate cuocere in forno a 180° per 20 minuti. Togliete dal forno e fate raffreddare.
In un pentolino fate sciogliere il cioccolato fondente, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 120 ml of cream.
In another saucepan, melt the white chocolate, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 80g of cream.
Put the cream "white" on the cake "black and cream" black "on the" white ".
Refrigerate for two hours.
Remove from refrigerator and cut the cake with a heart mold, cut each heart in half and add it to that of the opposite color. And as said Magali
"leccatevi mustache!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is It Illegal To Own Body Armor In California

30 - 29

oggi al ritorno dal lavoro siamo incappati in un piccolo incidente stradale. niente serious.
but when we arrived, no one understood anything. a lot of people and a person on the ground.
seemed serious so we ran to help him. making off in a thousand scooters reach. one part of the family and other motor Tassinari. are pulling the unconscious. I do not understand why. I try to calm them to administer first aid. nothing to do. scream and pull of both sides of the body as a puppet. Ruscha finally lay the wounded. and while we are kneeling down trying to figure it comes one from behind and pulls a bucket of water in his face. nearly pure lava me, idiot! but now we find that the alleged injured is not really hurt! is drunk! No one has investito. barcollava in mezzo alla strada ed è caduto. tutto qui.
ma il tipo appena si ripiglia ci vede e inizia ad imprecare e ad agitare i pugni in aria per minacciarci. - mavatteneaffanculo! - dico io.
i parenti lo tengono a fatica. poi crolla di nuovo al suolo. a questo punto, non curanti pericolo, ossia della fiatella alcolica nauseabonda, lo carichiamo in macchina e lo portiamo in ospedale.
si torna a casa. fine della storia.

I Hit My Head And Now I Have A Headache


Here I am in a hurry to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! I hope I have time to come back soon on these screens! With this recipe to participate
cuocicucidici contest and who knows if a cat chef manages to win, I made another recipe and I hope to have time to write for tomorrow!

And here's the recipe, to me it seemed a nice idea.

Biscuits Ingredients: 200g flour

25 g cocoa 150 g butter 2 eggs

Preparation: Mix the flour with
80 80 g of sugar and 2 eggs until a smooth paste, divide the dough in two and a half add the cocoa. Form two balls and wrap in plastic wrap and let rest Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Remove the pastry from the refrigerator, roll out and cut with the die-heart cookies. At the center of each, with a smaller print, cut a heart placed inside the heart that white or black.
Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. And as said Magali
"leccatevi mustache."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Longest Range Uhf Antenna

Haiti - Haiti

finita ora la quasi quotidiana jam session post-cena sulla terrazza.
due chitarre veramente ispirate!
il modo migliore per finire una giornata di scoglionamento:
un po' perchè questo fine settimana ho lavorato E di sabato E di domenica
un po' perchè there are hardly any patients in the center (fortunatamente!)
a bit '(and especially) because this morning I received a very cold.
since the epidemic seems to come to an end, we again reduced the staff of the facility.
most took it well. the end is what was expected from the outset.
that eventually the epidemic would be over and so the collaboration.
but some have taken very personal. two nurses with whom I used to laugh and joke (until yesterday), today I was not even say goodbye and I have spoken to all day. pout and crossed arms. such children.
there was very bad.
ok, I can understand that for many the end of the epidemic means to return to normal, ie the
lack of jobs and economic difficulties, but the temporary nature of the work was clear from the beginning and it is clear that sooner or later (hopefully soon) The center will close its doors.
weeks and we expect a further decline in staff ... hopefully good!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Adhd Medication And Cervical Mucus

28 - 27

Photo To CTC
Fewer patients ...

How To Replace A Magic Bullet Gasket

Haiti - Haiti

last week in the center have received a visit absurd (one of many).
'm doing the rounds in pediatrics when I warn that there is a group of Canadian volunteers who want to talk to me.
arrival at the entrance and find myself in front of the group I'm crazy.
five thugs. five behemoths gym. all the same.

logo hat with sunglasses

stethoscope around his neck black T-shirt size small to show muscles

tattoos of khaki shorts with side pockets
boots "swat".
paramedics tell me to be Canadian.
say they take to donate a bag full of tablets to disinfect water. I wonder if we need help. - But really ... we already have our local staff - answered.
- so everything is under control? - Insist. - Yes, if you can do a show around the center - decided to refuse hospitality. tell me to hurry. if we do not need help
prefer to go somewhere else for relief operations.
powerful handshake. they turn around and leave.

hurry?? arrived two days ago in Haiti after three months of emergency cholera!
the face of timing!

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Quit Claim A Nevada Timeshare

26 - 25

the main problem here in the lovely city of Saint Marc?
Traffic! Indeed, the "tchaffeco!
strade dissestate piene di veicoli di tutti i tipi.
enormi autobus coloratissimi
camion arrugginiti e pericolanti
e soprattutto motorini.
fiumi di motorini. i mitici honda a tre marce senza frizione. ancora me li ricordo dal viaggio in grecia nell'estate della maturità, quando mi ci schiantai contro un muro tentando di impennare (estate della maturità appunto).
beh dicevo...
file interminabili. sono i moto-taxi, il mezzo di trasporto "pubblico" più utilizzato in città. veloce ed economico. di certo non il più sicuro. di norma in condizione pessime. generalmente senza frecce e specchietti. la capiente sella qui arriva a sostenere fino a tre considerevoli asses. excluding the driver. most any load.
plus any rule. Highway Code?? ever heard!
here ... I've seen things you people would not believe! scooters in the wrong direction off the shoulder of Orion ... scooters and saw no lights in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate ... .....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Trampoline Gym In Chicago

Haiti - Haiti

an interesting cultural comparison indicated previously in Mozambique.
even here in Haiti I found in people a strong sense of hierarchy. an absolute respect for the roles. it is inconceivable to perform tasks not covered by your "profile". I've never seen a Haitian doctor, one of my gentlemen, start to move beds to accommodate the department. or help to download boxes of medicines from the truck. or move the crates to organize the filing of the pharmacy. I do. if I'm not busy with patients and there is something to do to help, why not? I do not have big problems. but generally the staff looks at me like I was a bit 'insane. and when I ask for help from some medical colleagues, for example, to move a bed from room to room, always a little known 'reticence. as if it were something strange, extraordinary, unfortunate. sure, then do it. but once again to respect the hierarchy. I am the "employer", the supervisor, then his head. or as they say here (and as they said Mozambique), the patron !
and applies not only to doctors. also involved with loading and unloading are a bit 'surprised and confused. what for me is a simple gesture of cooperation, in fact disrupts the order of things. confuses the rigid hierarchical scheme that is extremely important here.
thinking to help, we put them in difficulty. - If the doctor starts to download weights, to me what is there to do? -
showing they can do and the work of others is not as if we recognize the value.
the risk you take when you come into contact with different cultures.
assume that our approach to things is universally recognized.
or worse avere la presunzione che il nostro modo di vivere sia quello giusto, il migliore, quello da insegnare ai "popoli inferiori".

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Where Are All The Superheroes On Poptropica

24 - 23

i casi sono diminuiti nel centro. spero che questo significhi che ci stiamo avvicinando alla fine dell'epidemia di colera. più si va verso la fine di una epidemia, e più aumentano i casi di pazienti che arrivano con diarrea causata da altre patologie.
per cui è sempre più importante controllare che la presentazione clinica abbia le caratteristiche di un colera....insomma per farla breve devi guardare come il paziente caca...beh non proprio come caca, ma dopo devi controllare quello che ha prodotto.
tutti attorno al tipo accovacciato facendo una sorta di ola. in silenzio to hear the sound it produces. and after all to look into the bucket discoursing on the characteristics of the product - esteemed colleague, I believe that the pasty consistency and yellowish in color to give evidence in favor of a non-cholera diarrhea, what do you think? -, - well, my dear doctor, unfortunately I have to disagree, in what I call consistency "doughy", but the liquid -, - there is nothing left to appreciate the aroma - and all
his face into the bucket. crazy!
now I've become an expert. source of inspiration for the young fellow Haitians who do not lose this opportunity to invite me to join a symposium on the interesting shit!
today I spent the day going from one patient to another called by colleagues medici per controllare i vari tipi di diarrea:
colera sì? colera no?

evito facili commenti sulla giornata...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Are The Wart Looking Things On My Dogs Nose?

Haiti - 22

Ieri notte primo parto nel nostro centro! Purtroppo me lo sono perso per questa brutta abitudine che ho di dormire la notte. La mamma e il bambino stanno bene.
È un maschietto.
Lo chiameranno VIBRIO!!!