Here the thought for her response to my appeal.

Speaking of Judith is simple, always close to me, I was encouraged, supported, encouraged, helped to achieve the challenge of Helga, and Helga.
Perhaps it is easier to tell who you know not, she is present in my life, everyday and if so, I must say, its greatest quality for me is the fundamental objective criticism. Can make me out when wrong, when I try unnecessary feelings of guilt when something is missing in a recipe, when I complain in vain …
E’ semplice, ma saggia, acuta, presente. Se siamo allegre ridiamo insieme (ebbene sì anche i gatti ridono), se siamo tristi ridiamo ugualmente, andiamo avanti cercando reciprocamente di rendere il cammino meno pesante.
La ringrazio anche per farmi gustare, costantemente, le specialità della sua terra: i dolci, i frutti dal sapore genuino, il pane fatto in casa e cotto nel forno a legna, le verdurine sott’olio e … chi più ne ha più ne metta!
Lei sta cercando di insegnarmi il calabrese, una nuova lingua, per me, una sorta di arabo-piemontese, ce la farò? Questa potrebbe essere la sfida del 2011! Non posso che concludere esprimendo la mia più immensa gratitudine per a unique gift, the good that unites us.
And behold, their participation:
Hello Helga!
've seen you get to the end of your challenge to yourself to your big goal, "A recipe a day for a year."
I am very glad you've completed everything, even the despair and fear of not making it occurred in your way, but see how you overcame them with great success and where you come you do not even think, all this can only teach and instruct us all that we have supported and read every day your good recipe, and especially your thoughts on everyday life, that we should not take the "fears and phobias" that our unconscious puts before our eyes to not start all that we really want to achieve. This blog has to transmit to me, as I believe you too, to have confidence in ourselves and especially to have no fear of being judged by others and to face life with great love and a smile on your face, just so you can start to a better world in the evolution of peace.
Now I'll still offer my congratulations for everything you have sent to me personally and I hope also to those who followed you in this year's adventure with the great chef Magali.
A big hug with lots of packages of very special friend to TVB! Judith
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