quantum physics and psychology as energy or get rid of negative emotions
Einstein 70 years found that everything in the universe and 'energy and since then science has begun to investigate the particles no longer' in mechanical terms but in terms of energy.
physics today studies the energy field of the particles, means that studies the effect of this energy of atoms.
E 'has been shown that many, the most' small energy particles react to the observer, or when they are observed to change state and wave transformed into particles.
consciousness of the observer and then changes the state of the particles as a function of expectations and / or convictions of the observer precisely because 'the fact that everything is' energy.
We know that the perception and expectations can vary from observer to observer precisely because 'the human being and' conditional on its way to perceive things from their experiences, culture, beliefs and traumas.
But if the human perception and 'affected by negative experiences, limiting beliefs and trauma What happens to our body "material"? A short circuit occurs in the energy system. The Energy Psychology
eliminates these short circuits releasing the energy channels known to many as meridiani e fra queste tecniche cito la EFT.
EFT è la sigla di Emotional Freedom Techniques ovvero Tecniche di Libertà Emozionale. Il nome lo deve al suo fondatore, l'ingegnere statunitense Gary Craig, il quale, a partire da una tecnica energetica chiamata TFT, ha creato un sistema di auto-guarigione semplice, rapido ed efficace.
L' EFT e' un metodo dove si stimolano i meridiani mediante picchiettamento.
Sul sito http://www.eft-italia.it trovate il video e il libro da scaricare gratuitamente.
Liberarsi dalle emozioni negative e' fondamentale per aumentare l' energia e aprirsi a infinite possibilita' positive. Buon viaggio !
" Il vostro cervello non riconosce la differenza fra quello che accade la fuori e quello che accade qui dentro "
Joe Dispenza
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