But Darwin was right?
The famous Darwin's theory says that evolution is due to the individual struggle for survival and that only the most 'strong survive. Mors mea your life.
Modern biologists, however, 'are reviewing this position due to new discoveries about cell biology that show how in reality' the success of biological organisms depends on the collaboration and condivione of genetic information between cells.
The first single-celled organisms appeared on Earth 750 million years ago as evidenced by fossils and more 'forward in time, these organisms became multicellular.
At these colonies were disaggregated and counted dozens or hundreds of cells more 'latest developments transform' organization in colonies of millions, billions and trillions of cells.
Biologists have classified these multicellular organisms as well 'as they appear to the human eye (people, animals etc).
in a dense 'cells that have created amibienti structured, and division of labor with incredible precision and efficiency over time and this specialization and' been transferred in the genes of every cell of the biological organism. The specialization of cells to cells offered the advantage of living with less. Today
biologists emphasize more and more 'the invaluable role of cooperation in sustaining life and discovered that many organisms survive on symbiotic relationships with other organizations, creating strategic alliances. These new studies have given rise to systems biology. Unfortunately, in
recent years are witnessing a war without quarter to microorganisms with antibacterial soap and antibiotics, but this fight does not take into account an important element: some bacteria are essential to our health.
Cooperation between bacteria and human being and 'the main reason against the antibiotics that knows how to shoot in the crowd indiscriminately destroying all microorganisms.
Recent discoveries in biology show a further mechanism for cooperation between cells.
organizations integrate their communities' share of the cellular genes that are nothing more than memories acquired through experience in your environment.
Initially it was thought that genes were submitted by individuals of a species to the descendants but now we know that genes can be shared among members of different species.
This sharing of genes between different species accelerates the trend shows that the most successful evolutionary strategy, and 'has been and' cooperation and information sharing.
These small cells of which we are made human beings (50 trillion) are perhaps the most 'intelligent individuals that form? It seems to be '.. and I do not want to Darwin.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dry Or Wet Before Period Begins
Epigenetics can 'change your life
Recent scientific discoveries testify that the mind and' actually 'more' strong genes.
Genes in fact provide the structure but the command to configure the genetic is supplied by an external signal and perception plays a fundamental role in signal transduction.
Genes formamo the "lock" while the signal from dall''esterno and perceived (subjective) is the key to the initiation of amendments phones.
It then invalidated the idea that we are doomed by our genetics, but it makes sense to say that the packaging and similar beliefs in the family, especially from 0 to 6 years, are the real cause of predisposition to a variety of issues .
As admirably explained Dr. Bruce Lipton in his book "The biology of belief", which has created this new science called epigenetics, award-winning as the best popular book in 2006.le cells receive and process the information: in fact, rather than control, our genes are controlled, are under the control of environmental influences outside the cell, including our thoughts and beliefs.
Change negative beliefs that operate on an unconscious level for 95% of our day and who literally sabotage each tantativo of change, and 'fundamental to our wellbeing.
to work on a subconscious level and then break the mechanism comes to the rescue dell'autosabotaggio pisicologia energy (TFT, EFT, EMDR, Psych-K), which works just releasing the "Court's emotional" that are the basis of distorted perception and induce blocking / alteration of cellular functions.
we no longer 'scared to live by the sword of Damocles of our genetic heritage, and' liberation.
deepening Good!
Epigenetics can 'change your life
Recent scientific discoveries testify that the mind and' actually 'more' strong genes.
Genes in fact provide the structure but the command to configure the genetic is supplied by an external signal and perception plays a fundamental role in signal transduction.
Genes formamo the "lock" while the signal from dall''esterno and perceived (subjective) is the key to the initiation of amendments phones.
It then invalidated the idea that we are doomed by our genetics, but it makes sense to say that the packaging and similar beliefs in the family, especially from 0 to 6 years, are the real cause of predisposition to a variety of issues .
As admirably explained Dr. Bruce Lipton in his book "The biology of belief", which has created this new science called epigenetics, award-winning as the best popular book in 2006.le cells receive and process the information: in fact, rather than control, our genes are controlled, are under the control of environmental influences outside the cell, including our thoughts and beliefs.
Change negative beliefs that operate on an unconscious level for 95% of our day and who literally sabotage each tantativo of change, and 'fundamental to our wellbeing.
to work on a subconscious level and then break the mechanism comes to the rescue dell'autosabotaggio pisicologia energy (TFT, EFT, EMDR, Psych-K), which works just releasing the "Court's emotional" that are the basis of distorted perception and induce blocking / alteration of cellular functions.
we no longer 'scared to live by the sword of Damocles of our genetic heritage, and' liberation.
deepening Good!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mininova Registry Mechanic Free License
quantum physics and psychology as energy or get rid of negative emotions
Einstein 70 years found that everything in the universe and 'energy and since then science has begun to investigate the particles no longer' in mechanical terms but in terms of energy.
physics today studies the energy field of the particles, means that studies the effect of this energy of atoms.
E 'has been shown that many, the most' small energy particles react to the observer, or when they are observed to change state and wave transformed into particles.
consciousness of the observer and then changes the state of the particles as a function of expectations and / or convictions of the observer precisely because 'the fact that everything is' energy.
We know that the perception and expectations can vary from observer to observer precisely because 'the human being and' conditional on its way to perceive things from their experiences, culture, beliefs and traumas.
But if the human perception and 'affected by negative experiences, limiting beliefs and trauma What happens to our body "material"? A short circuit occurs in the energy system. The Energy Psychology
eliminates these short circuits releasing the energy channels known to many as meridiani e fra queste tecniche cito la EFT.
EFT è la sigla di Emotional Freedom Techniques ovvero Tecniche di Libertà Emozionale. Il nome lo deve al suo fondatore, l'ingegnere statunitense Gary Craig, il quale, a partire da una tecnica energetica chiamata TFT, ha creato un sistema di auto-guarigione semplice, rapido ed efficace.
L' EFT e' un metodo dove si stimolano i meridiani mediante picchiettamento.
Sul sito http://www.eft-italia.it trovate il video e il libro da scaricare gratuitamente.
Liberarsi dalle emozioni negative e' fondamentale per aumentare l' energia e aprirsi a infinite possibilita' positive. Buon viaggio !
" Il vostro cervello non riconosce la differenza fra quello che accade la fuori e quello che accade qui dentro "
Joe Dispenza
Einstein 70 years found that everything in the universe and 'energy and since then science has begun to investigate the particles no longer' in mechanical terms but in terms of energy.
physics today studies the energy field of the particles, means that studies the effect of this energy of atoms.
E 'has been shown that many, the most' small energy particles react to the observer, or when they are observed to change state and wave transformed into particles.
consciousness of the observer and then changes the state of the particles as a function of expectations and / or convictions of the observer precisely because 'the fact that everything is' energy.
We know that the perception and expectations can vary from observer to observer precisely because 'the human being and' conditional on its way to perceive things from their experiences, culture, beliefs and traumas.
But if the human perception and 'affected by negative experiences, limiting beliefs and trauma What happens to our body "material"? A short circuit occurs in the energy system. The Energy Psychology
eliminates these short circuits releasing the energy channels known to many as meridiani e fra queste tecniche cito la EFT.
EFT è la sigla di Emotional Freedom Techniques ovvero Tecniche di Libertà Emozionale. Il nome lo deve al suo fondatore, l'ingegnere statunitense Gary Craig, il quale, a partire da una tecnica energetica chiamata TFT, ha creato un sistema di auto-guarigione semplice, rapido ed efficace.
L' EFT e' un metodo dove si stimolano i meridiani mediante picchiettamento.
Sul sito http://www.eft-italia.it trovate il video e il libro da scaricare gratuitamente.
Liberarsi dalle emozioni negative e' fondamentale per aumentare l' energia e aprirsi a infinite possibilita' positive. Buon viaggio !
" Il vostro cervello non riconosce la differenza fra quello che accade la fuori e quello che accade qui dentro "
Joe Dispenza
Side Effects Of Prolexis
quantum physics to laymen
La fisica quantistica attualmente studia come funziona energeticamente la piu' piccola componente conosciuta del nostro universo : il quanto.
In origine i fisici si erano dedicati alla studio meccanico degli atomi ma ora sono arrivati a capire che la parte piu' importante riguarda l'attivita' energetica delle particelle e questo si definisce " il campo " .
Immagina l'effetto di un sassolino lasciato cadere nell'acqua; le onde che partono dal centro sono le onde energetiche , cioe' il campo .
Ogni cosa e individuo nel nostro mondo emette un campo e ogni sostanza ha una sua spedifica vibrazione energetica , risulta quindi evidente perche' the new quantum physics has opened new horizons in the field of bioenergetics, which deals with the balance of the human energy field.
But what are the amazing discoveries about the particles that have revolutionized science and opened up a myriad of new horizons in different fields? The
proprieta'-I would say the super powers - of what are explained in a very simplified:
In summary then we could say that:
La fisica quantistica attualmente studia come funziona energeticamente la piu' piccola componente conosciuta del nostro universo : il quanto.
In origine i fisici si erano dedicati alla studio meccanico degli atomi ma ora sono arrivati a capire che la parte piu' importante riguarda l'attivita' energetica delle particelle e questo si definisce " il campo " .
Immagina l'effetto di un sassolino lasciato cadere nell'acqua; le onde che partono dal centro sono le onde energetiche , cioe' il campo .
Ogni cosa e individuo nel nostro mondo emette un campo e ogni sostanza ha una sua spedifica vibrazione energetica , risulta quindi evidente perche' the new quantum physics has opened new horizons in the field of bioenergetics, which deals with the balance of the human energy field.
But what are the amazing discoveries about the particles that have revolutionized science and opened up a myriad of new horizons in different fields? The
proprieta'-I would say the super powers - of what are explained in a very simplified:
- The
- what can 'exist both as a wave or as particle The
- what can' be in more 'points at the same time, some Experiments have shown that it can 'be present contemporanemanete places in 3000. (O. ..) If two
- paricelle are fired in opposite directions by changing the state of a particle also changes the other (O. ..)
- The fact that if not observed, it appears as a wave but if the observer takes the form of a particle, it is said that "collapses" , it seems' that observer and object are connected ... to call this bizarre behavior physicists have coined the term "ondicella.
In summary then we could say that:
- The particles are solid and can occur both as waves, if they are not observed, both as a particle when observed.
- not exist in reality 'the empty space, empty and what we perceive as' really' full of powerful energy and thin non collassata , ovvero non osservata .
- Le particelle non passano da un luogo all'altro nello spazio ma scompaiono e riappaiono in un altro luogo simultaneamente.. l'unico problema dei fisici e che ancora non riescono a prevedere esattamente dove la particella riapparira' , per questo motivo la nuova fisica quantistica viene definita " probabilistica ". Questa e' la descrizione del famoso balzo quantico...
- Il principio di indeterminazione ( vedi sopra ) fa si' che non si possano misurare velocita' e posizione di una particella , ovvero se misuri una non puoi misurare l'altra ...
- Le particelle sono nonlocali e sono correlate a un livello che va oltre il tempo e lo spazio, se per esempio " sparassimo " due particelle in the opposite direction, changing the state of a particle also changes the status of the other ..
These discoveries have opened new horizons in the care of the human being, bioenergetics, prayer, energy psychology, 'cause in the end all and' energy and acting on the energy level is subtle and acts in a way incredibly powerful.
As Rumi wrote, a great Persian poet: When
seek God, God is the look in your eyes.
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