We are all connected The origin of all was' the Big Bang, the explosion that created 'everything' that exists.
before the Big Bang everything was one, as claimed by all the great religions of the world, and after the Big Bang and is a 'divided and created life in all its forms.
We now know, thanks to quantum physics and the behavior of particles (
http://fisicaquantisticaebionergetica.blogspot.com/2009/03/fisica-quantistica-per-profani.html ), that those (the most 'small atomic elements) behave as if they were still part of this great one.
Quantum physics has proven that everything 'that had combined never loses its connection with the rest, then it follows that any change even the most 'small influence on the whole.
Quantum physics has proven that there is a universal energy field, and that from this immense energy we receive and send energy.
But cos 'and' this energy? The energy I'm talking about and 'Consciousness.
We human beings are endowed with self-consciousness, a great deal of power, 'cause any change in individual consciousness affects the consciousness / collective field. There have been numerous
esperiemti in quantum physics that have shown that the mere fact of observing an object changes its atomic structure.
It appears that the observer affects the observed object, and then simply observe what changes' which is osservato il che dimostra che viviamo in un Universo partecipativo e che il nostro modo di osservare e di porsi davanti alle cose determina delle modifiche nel nostro Universo.
Questo fatto implica che noi esseri umani non siamo vittime predestinate ma siamo creatori , a volte inconsapevoli della nostra realta' in ogni aspetto.
La percezione in questo caso gioca un ruolo fodamentale , in quanto il modo in cui percepiamo il mondo viene determinato dalle nostre credenze/sentimenti che si formano nell'arco della nostra vita .
Le credenze piu' importanti ci vengono dalla nostra infanzia, da 1 a 7 anni i bambini sono in una fase di Superapprendimento e qualsiasi cosa avvenga nell'ambiente viene scaricata nell'hard disk del subconscio, il nostro autopilot.
These beliefs have tremendous power because the subconscious mind works in 95% of our day, while the conscious mind works in only 5% of our time.
course and 'hard to keep always on our conscious mind, hence it follows that work on our subconscious beliefs and' extremely important for ourselves and for our world.
Our beliefs also influence the functioning of cells can give us health or disease according to the quality 'of the belief, explained in an excellent manner, Dr. B. Lipton in "The Biology of Belief."
A change of perception and 'key to improving our world, each of us can' make changes in your life and your environment simply by changing their consciousness.
seems the stuff of science fiction, from The Matrix, but 'truth', and 'The Divine Matrix and the quantum physicists who have discovered the great truth fully meets the' mystical of all time.
We are drops in the ocean of cosmic consciousness, always connected to the source, and the source responds to our beliefs in a neutral, nonjudgmental, materialize in our lives.
When you search for God, God is the look in your eyes.