very fruitful day yesterday at the mouth of Neto. Also observed a new species for me, a female / imm. Emery Falco colombarius (second alert for the area).
. 01) Sula 1 ind. 2nd year
02) 5 Cormorant
Grey Heron 30 + 04) 2 with spatula.
05) 2 m + f Garganey
06) Marsh Harrier 7 (including 1 m ad.)
07) Buzzard 1
08) Kestrel
3 + 09) Peregrine Falcon 1
10) Emery 1 f / imm.
11) Moorhen 3
12) Little Ringed Plover 3
13) Black-headed Gull 40 +
14) Seagull rosy
10 15)
Gull 30 + 16)
Gull 300 + 17) Audouin 9 (6 to . ind +2. the 3rd and 2 in year 2)
18) 8 + to Saffron.
19) sandwich tern
3 + 20) Pigeon some ind.
21) Collared Dove
3 + 22) 4 Hoopoe
23) Martin a fisherman
24) Skylark several ind.
25) Cappellaccia many ind.
26) Calandrella
50 + 27) Swallow
15 + 28) 5 Balestruccio
29) Merlo some ind.
30) Ochiocotto 2
31) Beccamoschino several ind.
32) Cetti's other ind.
33) Gazza several ind.
34) Hooded Crow several ind.
35) Reversal of 7
36) Frinfuello
50 + 37) 40 + Linnet
38) 50 + Goldfinch
39) Verdone several ind.
40) bunting several ind.

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea the mouth of Neto.