Monday, January 22, 2007

Frequent Cruising Spots In Mumbai

Report: Invaso S. Anna, 22.1.07

Day foggy morning all'Invaso S. Anna, where, as every year, I have gone to the census of wintering water. Less than usual and more scarce species, again because of still semi-spring weather.
dams S. Anna - Isola Capo Rizzuto, KR (photo G. Monterosso).
1) Black-necked Grebe
3 + 2) Great Crested Grebe 55
3) Cormorant 21
4) Mallard 14 +
5) 16 Wigeon
6) Codon
5 + 7) 126 + Teal
8) Pochard 224
9) 13 + Coot
Gull 122 + 11) 5 + Pispola

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Baby Arrival Hurricane

Report: Porto di Crotone, 19.1.07

morning spent at the port of Crotone for the regular census of wintering water. The spring weather definitely did not allow me to observe species of particular importance. The check-list is still interesting.

Shelduck Tadorna Tadorna - One of two females wintering in the Port of Crotone.
1) Black-necked Grebe
6 + 2) Great Crested Grebe
14 + 3) 1 lesser Berta
4) Cormorant
13 + 5) 2 ff
Shelduck 6) Coot
4 + 7) Common Sandpiper 3
8) Seagull 150 + common
9) Gull
2 + 10) 1 Gabbianello
Gull 175 + 12) 26 Saffron
13) sandwich tern 3 +
14) Kingfisher 2
15) White Wagtail alc.
16) Black Redstart various ind.
17) Warbler alc. ind.
18) Cetti's alc. ind.
19) Gazza alc. ind.
20) Jackdaw various ind.
21) Witch of Italy several ind.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Birthday Clip Art Old

Yes, traveling ...

I would like to invite you to read dell'affascinante trip-report of three components , Ennio Critelli, Gabriella Motta and Sandro Couch (pictured right), with beautiful images that illustrate their journey Spain year-end.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Driver's License North Carolina Ontario

Chronicles manger n.2

Always and only go in Italy Passer italiae alla mia mangiatoia (per ora...). Vedrò di invogliare qualche Codirosso spazzacamino con briciole di biscotti prossimamente. Questo passero maschio è stato fotografato il 27.XII.06 con digiscoping (la prima prova fatta con la mia nuova fotocamera: Samsung i6).
PS: se vi piace questo scatto, potete votarlo cliccando qui . Trovate altre mie foto cliccando qui .