Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dry Or Wet Before Period Begins


Epigenetics can 'change your life

Recent scientific discoveries testify that the mind and' actually 'more' strong genes.
Genes in fact provide the structure but the command to configure the genetic is supplied by an external signal and perception plays a fundamental role in signal transduction.
Genes formamo the "lock" while the signal from dall''esterno and perceived (subjective) is the key to the initiation of amendments phones.
It then invalidated the idea that we are doomed by our genetics, but it makes sense to say that the packaging and similar beliefs in the family, especially from 0 to 6 years, are the real cause of predisposition to a variety of issues .
As admirably explained Dr. Bruce Lipton in his book "The biology of belief", which has created this new science called epigenetics, award-winning as the best popular book in 2006.le cells receive and process the information: in fact, rather than control, our genes are controlled, are under the control of environmental influences outside the cell, including our thoughts and beliefs.

Change negative beliefs that operate on an unconscious level for 95% of our day and who literally sabotage each tantativo of change, and 'fundamental to our wellbeing.
to work on a subconscious level and then break the mechanism comes to the rescue dell'autosabotaggio pisicologia energy (TFT, EFT, EMDR, Psych-K), which works just releasing the "Court's emotional" that are the basis of distorted perception and induce blocking / alteration of cellular functions.

we no longer 'scared to live by the sword of Damocles of our genetic heritage, and' liberation.

deepening Good!


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