Also at the mouth of the river
Passovecchio (Crotone) observed ind. JUV of Stint whisk limicola falcinellus , especially the first report of Calabria. The sample remained in the area until at least 18 last, when the shots were made below. Several other species observed in the past days in the company of the whisk. The list is below.



Check-list of 12.08.07:
1) Anas sp. 2
2) Beccaccia di mare 34
3) Corriere piccolo 6
4) Piovanello pancianera 6
5) Piovanello 4
6) Gambecchi frullino 1
7) Gambecchio 30+
8) Piro piro piccolo 8
9) Gabbiano comune 20+
10) Gabbiano roseo 1
11) Gabbiano reale 50+
12) Gabbiano corso 1
13) Beccapesci 2
14) Sterna zampenere 1
15) Mignattino 3
16) Martin pescatore 2
17) Rondine diversi ind.
18) Balestruccio 100+
19) Ballerina bianca alcuni ind.
20) Cutrettola 20+
Nei giorni successivi si sono aggiunti:
21) Pettegola 1
22) Totano moro 1
23) Ruddy Turnstone 1