Friday, December 29, 2006

Solar Charger Schematic

First test digiscoping

Breve mattinata trascorsa al porto di Crotone con la mia nuova attrezzatura per il digiscoping. Vi propongo due scatti: una Volpoca femmina e uno Svasso piccolo (quest'ultimo terribly mobile and difficult to focus!). Other species were also present: cormorants, great crested grebe, 1 Common Sandpiper, Yellow-legged Gulls, saffron, common gulls, sandwich terns, kingfishers and a Redstart spazacamino.
Shelduck Tadorna Tadorna (to female. In the port of KR, 29.XII.06).
Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis (who benefit at the port of KR, 29.XII.06).

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Baby Butterfly Quotes


After a long absence (I had to graduate ...), I take to update the blog. I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a 2007 full of interesting observations.


The nice image above is taken from the album of photographs Maria Rego .

Saturday, October 14, 2006

How You Know That Evee Is Happy?

Chronicles manger n.1

Returning from the port of Crotone, I put my feeder on the balcony, not yet cold, but this morning I heard the first robin showed me that autumn will soon be gli altri passeriformi a trascorrere l'inverno in città.

Ho pensato di inaugurare una rubrica sulle visite che si succederanno alla mangiatoia in questa stagione (sperando che non vi siano solo passeri...). Vi propongo 2 foto scattate l'anno scorso.

Codirosso spazzacamino femmina (foto G. Monterosso).

Passera d'Italia maschio (foto di G. Monterosso).

Sunday, October 8, 2006

The Facts On Ovarian Cysts

EuroBW: Lago di Tarsia, 8.X.06

Questo il report delle specie osservate l'8.X.2006 nella Riserva Regionale del Inlay Lake, a large group of activists and enthusiasts of Sec. LIPU Rende (as many as 32 people including adults and children!):


Volunteers LIPU Makes Inlay Lake (photo by R. Santopaolo).
1) 205 Cormorant
2) Spatula 15
3) Coot 82
4) Great Crested Grebe 86
5) Little Grebe 3
6) Grey Heron 34
7) Great Egret 13
8) Little Egret 7
9) Mallard 74
10) Black-headed Gull 30
11) Marsh Harrier 2
12) Kestrel 1
13) Cetti's 3
14) Tit 9
Warbler 2 16) Robin 2
17) Great Tit 4
18) tit 2
Goldfinch 13 20) Finch 2
21) 110 Transfer
22) Gazza 4
23) Hooded Crow 2

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Maximum Va Loan Amount With 36,000 Eligibility

EuroBW: Port of KR, 07.X.06

species is observed at the port of Crotone on the afternoon of 7.X.06:

seagulls at the port of Crotone (G. Monterosso photos).
1) Black-necked Grebe 1
2) Black-headed Gull 161
3) Gull 1
4) 205 Gull
5) 11 Saffron
6) 1 sandwich tern
7) Mangetout several ind.

What Can I Masterbate With My Boobs

EuroBW 2006: Mouth of Neto, 7.X.06

A few minuti di ritorno dalla Foce del Neto (Crotone) per l'Eurobirdwatch 2006, riporto le specie avvistate dalle 0re 7:45 alle 11:45. Purtroppo, la presenza di alcuni pescatori nei pressi della foce ha ridotto notevolmente il numero di specie osservabili.

Foce del fiume Neto (foto di G. Monterosso).
1) Berta maggiore 127+
2) Berta minore 40+
3) Garzetta 2 (alla Foce del torrente Passovecchio, pochi Km più a sud)
4) Airone bianco maggiore 2 (di cui 1 alla Foce Passovecchio)
5) Airone cenerino 16
6) Spatola 1 imm.
7) Germano reale 6 ff.
8) Falco di palude 2 ff.
9) Buzzard 1
10) Kestrel 3
11) Coot 1
12) Grey Plover 2
13) Dunlin 3
14) Pantana 1
15) Black-headed Gull 20 +
16) Gull 70 + (who benefit + imm .)
17) Audouin to 1.
18) 3 to Saffron.
19) 16 sandwich tern
20) Pigeon many ind.
21) Collared Dove different ind.
22) Kingfisher 1
23) Cappellaccia many ind.
24) Robin several ind.
25) warbler some ind.
26) Beccamoschino several ind.
27) Cetti's many ind.
28) Gazza many ind.
29) 50 + Jackdaw
30) Hooded Crow several ind.
31) Reversal
60 + 32) Passera of Italy several ind.
33) Tree Sparrow 3
34) 30 + Goldfinch
35) ind some bunting.
This afternoon I will be at the port of Crotone.
will post the report on my return.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Dental Receptionist Cover Letter

Report: Mouth of Neto , 20.IX.06

Day 20 September I went to the mouth of Neto to accompany a reporter to make a few clicks of the area. I had binoculars with me, of course, and despite the Oretta past was not intended for birdwatching, I spotted some interesting species. Following:
1) Grey Heron 6
2) Buzzard 1
3) Hawk 1
4) Oystercatcher 2
4) 2 Avocet
5) pancianre Sandpiper 2 (confidentissimi!)
6) Pantana 1
7) Fighter 1
Gull 50 + 9) 4 + sandwich tern
10) Colombaccio1
11) Collared Dove some ind.
12) Cappellaccia some ind.
13) Whinchat some ind.
14) Beccamoschino some ind.
15) Red-backed Shrike 1 f. / imm.
16) Flycatcher 1
Next Saturday I will return to the area to the Worldbirwatch 2006, will let you know.